'' Now Is A Good Time To Start '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Now Is A Good Time To Start ''

Rating: 5.0

Mother Nature, friend or foe,
It depends on who you ask,
If our destruction we don't slow,
She'll take us all to task.

Reality is, we're out of hand,
You can't take what's already gone,
What is it we don't understand,
Our planet is well overdrawn.

It's time for us all to realise,
We cannot keep up this pace,
Finite resources, equals limited supplies,
Our future we need to face.

Global warming is our fault,
We are being put on trial,
It's us that nature will assault,
Yet still we are in denial.

More brutal storms and rising seas,
Are already with us now,
Will melting ice release disease?
What more will she allow.

Extinctions growing more and more,
Our dream, a space commune!
Helping ourselves is such a chore,
Our end we will see soon.

Our ruination we can repair,
But only if we show the will,
Why the hell look, out there,
It is not a magic pill.

Mother Nature does hold clout,
We are tearing out her heart,
Listen or she will take us out,

‘' Now Is A Good Time To Start ‘'

Thursday, May 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: natural law
S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 09 May 2019

Wow yes well said, what an awesome message in noteworthy poem you have crafted and thought out and laid out as humans continue to destroy the planet rapaciously and selfishly. Meaningful rhyming so cleverly done, I commend that too, thanks for this hard hitting poem, wish more thought if ways to save the planet. Kudos! Plz pls do comment my newest poem too, titled, Llama drama, u might enjoy it.

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