Obligated Not To Wait Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Obligated Not To Wait

It seems absolutely foolish,
To live one's life...
Feeling trapped,
By dissatisfaction.

It seems worse than slavery,
To be suited and tied...
With feelings one 'has' to do,
Instead of choosing what one wishes!

To be careened by others...
By a bombardment of career goals.
And then pushed to pursue one...
Completing restricted requirements,
Just to bite one's tongue...
When scolded by an incompetence,
Insisted by someone...
To do what 'is' and not another thing done!

Because of years in a field,
They have!
That same field,
One believed would yield,
Their undoubted happiness!

'What is this shhhh...? '
One quickly silences their trembling lips.
Knowing a 'pink' slip,
Would end their climb into a fall!

It seems absolutely foolish,
To live one's life...
Feeling trapped,
By this dissatisfaction.

To dropp this nonsense,
May require extreme sacrifice.
It may require,
Long and sleepless nights!
It may require,
A decision made...
To live a life one wishes and likes!

Even if one's closest friend,
Pretends they are not noticed...
As one recognizes they have driven by,
In a bright and just waxed Mercedes Benz!
Know this...
To live the life one likes and wishes,
May mean one might have to bite unwanted dust!

That just might mean,
The life one has chosen for oneself...
And likes,
Although lean on social scenes with appearances...
May leave one feeling much siren and pleased,
Deeply breathing freely.
And obligated not to wait on no one...ever!

If one is in question,
As to how to proceed?
And left to wonder...
What will that take,
Without breaking a back
To find that?
The hour has not come...
To be stupid or 'dumb'
For applying rash decisions.

One must be certain,
Any move like this taken...
Leaves one with at least six months paid rent.
Groceries and some common sense,
To avoid any deep trenches...
One might find climbing out of in shock and despair!

I am an 'idealistic' writer of this!
And not a magician,
Who can fix any quick and stupid decisions!

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