Ode To The Monsoon Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

Ode To The Monsoon

Rating: 5.0

Wind and wild, beasts and birds, bees and bugs
All crave for a drop of you: Oh! monsoon, shower on
Shower love on the bosom of soil and heal with care
The wounds drought has callously cracked over
And drained away silently life from it's depths.
Oh! Peacocks, spread your charming quills and dance
To stop and please the dark clouds to melt and rain

Shower on Monsoon, shower on incessantly
Towering joy in the hearts of creatures earthly
Let cattle and sheep graze voraciously and content
Compensating fully the begone day's scarce
Let the nature regain the lost vigor and vitality
That was looted by the summer-drought early
Groves and foliage be vibrant with greenery
To home the birds back from migrated territory
Let no horn bill beg for a drop of rain from
The passing barren clouds to quench it's thirst

I hear in many tunes the songs of monsoon rain
How sweet is it to hear in varied pitch and notes:
It's ecstatic to tune our throbs in unison with it
And to synchronize breath with the rhythm of rain
Mankind be relieved from sickening strain
And shower inside them a monsoon of pleasure
There in the urn of memories I always keep
The gems of mounting bliss you gifted once
In heavily raining dark nights Oh! monsoon

Dr Dillip K Swain 14 September 2021

Shower on Monsoon, shower on incessantly Towering joy in the hearts of creatures earthly......captivating. A fabulous ode sir. Top score!

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Aniruddha Pathak 09 November 2019

Yes, monsoon is what pleases us in this part of the globe, forget 'sun and rain, painting rain s in poor light. A lovely ode on monsoon very well penned. Thanks fear poet.

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Thank you very much Pathakji. The monsoon is dear to all who have been suffering from the crude drought

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Thankfully acknowledge your gracious comments. Monsoon after the long drought is a solace to the living beings

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Valsa George 08 November 2019

Monsoon is the time when the Earth gets bathed in balmy showers and the plants and trees are washed clean of all dust and dirt. It is the time of lush green foliage and sprouting buds. You have beautifully enumerated the facelift brought to the dry land with the monsoon showers. Fortunately this year we have had more of the heavenly elixir than in the previous years. A lovely write.

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Thank you Valsa George a lot. Monsoon showers not only clean the enviornment but soothes human hearts also. It helps him forget the hard summer and nurture a peaceful atmosphere.

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