Ode To Trudeau Eulogy Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Ode To Trudeau Eulogy

Rating: 4.5

Trudeau in tattered Che T-shirt
Acting like some kind of Cuban flirt
Dancing around like a liberal clown
Dodging horse droppings in his neck of town

Contemplating his late father's fairy tales
Concentrating on huge Cuban cigar sales
Immersed in The Communist Manifesto
Searching for the right answer to his fiasco

Phoning Pope Francis for his blessing
Receiving a lesson in testing
Revisionist history making it shameful
For Trudeau to be buried with his mouth full

Firing squads killing his brethren
Communist soldiers raping women
Twenty percent forced into exile
Paint revolutionary style

Cuban Missile Crisis set for W W III
Totally unacceptable in land of free
Communist outpost of USSR
Forcing slavery from afar

Crude boats carved out of rawness
Battling waves of bitterness
Thousands dying fleeing to shores of freedom
Castro smoking cohiba in his kingdom

Indoctrination in island nation
As opposed to rightful education
Prisons full of anti-socialists and gays
Sweating in gloomy nightmares of his evil ways

Attempted to end religion
Yet shook hands with divine legion
Sincere reliable friend of Putin land
Smoking cohiba cigars in Neverland

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: education,eulogy,evil,exile,fairy tales,fear,freedom,gay,politics,rape
Ellen Ni Bheachain 12 July 2020

Your poem is real and says it so true that it is historic and well written.

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