Of Bees And Mexican Hats Poem by Glen Kappy

Of Bees And Mexican Hats

Bees—so many! —
buzzing about the flowers
we call Mexican Hats.

What might they mirror
of invisible worlds?

Ions and their attractions?
Or angels perhaps? —

visiting our heads
with hints and intuitions
even as we claim them
as our own.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: attachment,attraction,flowers,hint,insects,intuition
Akhtar Jawad 10 April 2018

Attachment and attraction of insects to the flowers is a beauty to watch,

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Glen Kappy 11 April 2018

hi, akhtar! first, thank you for exploring my poems and taking time to comment. i appreciate it. on this one, i watched from the little deck in our backyard, and i don't know why my mind went in the direction it did. but we do know there's a whole invisible world we typically only get glimpses of, a world on which this in-time touchable world is built on. -glen

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Laurie Van Der Hart 16 November 2016

Absolutely! I love to watch dicumentaries that zoom in on the miniscule workd of insects. Have you read Horton Hears a Who to your granddaughter?

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Glen Kappy 11 April 2018

huh... i never saw this comment of yours till now, laurie, while responding to the newer one above, and i've been thinking about you. thank you for this comment, and, no, i haven't read horton hears a who to nova—not yet at least. but this makes me think of another children's picture book, one of my all time favorites—ferdinand. do you know it? -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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