Old Shoes Poem by Jim Yerman

Old Shoes

Rating: 5.0

Her old shoes were showing signs of age…for so many years they had been worn.
that dirt had gathered ‘round the edges..and the toe of one was torn…

So she bought herself an new pair…but she hasn't worn them yet
It seems the old ones were still full of memories she wasn't ready to forget.

But the time has come…she knows it…and she knows the reason why…
Time to start some new adventures….time to say goodbye.

She gazed down at her new shoes…then her old shoes…and thought of all the moments in between…
of all the places these old shoes had taken her…of all the things that they had seen.

She thought how they're like old friends…how they've earned a place in her affection
and how like old friends she has learned…to look past their flaws and imperfections.

She sighed knowing one pair marks the end of a journey…the other…where one begins.
When suddenly…she had a thought…and could not help but grin.

Perhaps they have one memory left…one more walk…on more run…one more climb
Then she slipped into her old shoes and laced them up for the last time.

Friday, September 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: memories
Rajnish Manga 14 September 2018

Old memories don't go away easily. Jim, you have expressed it through the story of old shoes. Thanks for this sweetly rhymed poem.

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