On A Walk Along The Beach Poem by Jim Yerman

On A Walk Along The Beach

One way, I think, to come to a better understanding of our country…of this land…is to take a walk along the beach…and watch people playing in the sand.

With our first steps onto the sand…one simple thought arises…how before us stretch a sea of people in all colors…shapes and sizes.

This alone makes us smile but we are also pleasantly surprised to watch as an entire circle of life plays out before our eyes.

We see lovers holding hands…we pass a wedding…we sneak a peek…we see another couple…she's pregnant…their baby's due within the week.

As our walk continues in the cooling breeze of a Florida Autumn…we see a family with a naked baby…the sand is covering his bottom.

We see families with older children…their sounds drowned out by the oceans roar…running…laughing…jumping…playing catch along the shore.

We see older couples, just like us, walking with elegance and grace…It's hard to find a person on the beach without a smile on their face.

Here's a little something, I imagine, every seashore has to teach…people playing on the beach have no labels…they're just people on the beach!

So, if you want to come to a better understanding of this country…of any country…of any land…take a walk along any beach and watch how people share the sand.

Yes, I imagine that's exactly the message the seashore means to send…
as we share the sand…
the sun…
the sea together…
how easily we blend.

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