On My Education As A Poet: The Usefulness Of Rhyme Poem by Glen Kappy

On My Education As A Poet: The Usefulness Of Rhyme

He was our English teacher
most that eighth-grade year—
gawky and tall
bespectacled and bald
and as devoid of warmth
as body fat.

And this demand
which topped it all—
we'd have to memorize
a hundred lines of poetry!
(Uncertain on the quantity
it actually may been more) .

But such were we
and such the time
that we applied
and then amazed ourselves
and in our doing found
the usefulness of rhyme.

Thursday, August 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: discovery,education,educational,poet,poetic expression,rhyme,teacher
Savita Tyagi 03 August 2017

I remember those days when memorizing poems used to be part of schedule and how much fun rhymes specially funny and silly ones used to be. When singing by yourself alone used to be the norm. Thanks for sharing some childhood memories.

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Glen Kappy 03 August 2017

you're welcome, savita. and i'm pleased to meet you here in poemhunter. below is one of my favorite silly rhymes from my favorite humorous poet. thank you for reading and commenting on my poem. glen kappy if you hear a panther, don't anther. ogden nash

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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