Only Witness Poem by Malabika Ray Choudhury

Only Witness

Rating: 5.0

The clock ticks with my heartbeats.
My heart beats faster,
When I gaze at the night-sky studded with scintilating stars,
With a glorious full Moon strangely shining till dawn
And ponder about the very few days
We had been together!

Stars, stars, you are quiet,
Although luminous you shine,
Are you going to keep our story
In your hearts,
Although the story is mine!

It's a very special story,
Which only the stars can tell,
They are the only witness,
Of love, and passion, of longing and compassion,
Of sadness and deprivation,
Of a miraculous bondage!

Stars blink,
The clock ticks,
My heart bleeds!

Monday, March 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Edward Kofi Louis 12 August 2019

My watch ticks! ! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Dear Edward, thank you so much for spending your precious time reading my poems! You are so kind! Appreciated!

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Edward Kofi Louis 12 August 2019

To keep our story! ! ! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Dr Antony Theodore 08 July 2019

My heart beats faster, When I gaze at the night-sky studded with scintilating stars, With a glorious full Moon strangely shining till dawn And ponder about the very few days We had been together! Stars in your heart and in your memorie full of love and dreams. thank u dear poetess. tony

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Dear Poet, Thank you so much! It is a great pleasure to share my poems with a similar poetic mind like yours!

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