Opium Of The Soul Poem by Mwenyeji Spikes

Opium Of The Soul

Careful little lungs what you inhale
Be wary tender heart what you harbor
From sunset to sunrise you watch and wait
Eager you stand by the door frame looking to the skies
The tides and seasons all seeming right for the prophesies
Your allegiance stands unquestioned, the word will hold true
From a distance you catch a glimpse of a deep grey cloud from the north
Your ear tuned more attentively to the radio, rumors of war and nations uprising
Disturbing reports of atrocities unthinkable and evils unimaginable to your sanctified ears
Faith is a commodity and in hope you are eager to transact even though questions pop in your mind

Patience, persistence and perseverance
Your heart swells each minute with hope of a thing
The definition of your life struggles unfolds vividly by the hour
This thing called hope you choose to hang on to till your morning comes
But your morning has been elusive so you consume some more of it till you pass out
Passed out on your dreams, left the ways of your fathers before you for something new
What got you drank old friend while deep within you desperation grew tearing you down to the ground

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