Our Beloveds Poem by Prof Niamat Ali Murtazai

Our Beloveds

Rating: 5.0

Life without beloveds is a lost game;
You know, facts for us are almost the same.
They make our life easy as well as hard
For them we live, work and play our trump card.
They direct our path and determine goal,
They turn us into gold or burn to coal.
They become our breath and dissolve in blood,
Their loss makes us shed tears in a flood.
They are closer to us than dear souls
More than our conscious, they command our roles.
We can't think of living without senses;
They protect and preserve us like fences.
They fill marrow in our weak bones to work
And kindle lamps in the path lost in murk.
Our first beloveds are our good parents
Who are the best of all Nature's presents.
Our brothers and sisters are second ones
They are our best life-long companions.
Our spouse and children are the next dears
Who encourage us to face all fears.

Nosheen Irfan 16 September 2024

Love and relationships are important in life and this poem illustrates this truth beautifully.

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 January 2016

They direct our path and determine goal, They turn us into gold or burn to coal. They become our breath and dissolve in blood, Their loss makes us shed tears in a flood....love, love experience, beloved, passion, relationships... best-life companions thank u dear poet for all the wonderful points to think and to meditate. tony

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So true! So powerful! Well done my friend!

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 07 January 2016

I am nothing but thanks for your kindness.

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Rajnish Manga 05 January 2016

Not less than a feast to the heart and soul, this poem goes into my favorites. The role our beloveds play in our life in different stages has been beautifully outlined. Thanks. I quote: Our first beloveds are our good parents Who are the best of all Nature's presents.

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 06 January 2016

Thanks a lot Ranjish for this encouragement.

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Aarzoo Mehek 05 January 2016

Our first beloveds are our good parents Who are the best of all Nature's presents. Our brothers and sisters are second ones They are our best life-long companions. Our spouse and children are the next dears Who encourage us to face all fears. There is nothing much to say...beautifully crafted emotions.. Every word is close to reality. My compliments and 10 for this beautiful poem

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 06 January 2016

My heart is filled with thanks for this appreciation. thanks Aarzoo

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