Parkdale's Dinosaur Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Parkdale's Dinosaur

Rating: 5.0

Well I'm a dinosaur forever living in this place called Parkdale
Now I gotta move my sorry ass because the house is for sale
I don't really know where the hell to go
'Cause when it comes to moving I'm so damn slow

Turtles and tortoises move a whole lot faster than me
Especially when it comes to what I don't wanna see
Well I guess I better get my sorry ass in gear
If I wish to wake up to what I don't wanna hear

I think I better hire a knock-out sexy French maid to clean up this place
Maybe she'll be quicker or slower with her duster and blower with the pace
Got nothing to lose in this time when I can't even snooze
So I'll go partying and drink a little more booze

I'm a dinosaur forever lost in this place called Parkdale
I never ever wanna move out 'cause I just might fail
I'll consult the astrologers and Yoko Ono
About the crazy amount of money I need to borrow

I'll Imagine with the infamous John Lennon
About being somewhere other than Heaven
I'll meditate with Sri Chinmoy about life with joy
Reflect on my life when I was just an innocent boy

I'll be singing the No No Song with lonesome Ringo
Because life's a whole lot better than playing bingo
At karaoke I'll sing the upbeat Don't Worry Be Happy
Because it makes me so damn happy and shows me the reality

I'm a dinosaur forever pacing in this place called Parkdale
Just because the house is for sale doesn't mean I have to bail
I'll find a new place where I can go
And it might even cost me less doe

I'll shape shift from a turtle to a panther
When it comes to this really important matter
I'll move my not too sorry ass in gear
Because it's happy music I wanna hear

Richard Wlodarski October 2015

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: drinking,happy,heaven,house,innocence,joy,life,boy,cleaning,crazy
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