Perhaps The God That We'Ve Created Is A False God. Poem by William Jackson

Perhaps The God That We'Ve Created Is A False God.

Rating: 4.1

Perhaps the god
that we've created
is a false god.

Maybe we should listen
to the voices of reason,
to different voices
from different places.

The Anglo Saxon
word for God
is 'good'.

Each and every one of us
from the very beginning
is said to have been
made in His image.

Too many faiths
latch onto the sin nature
and there stubbornly remain
insisting on bloody justice
even though bloody justice
has already been paid out in full.

As far as I know the mercy seat is still there,
and I have read that mercy triumphs over judgment.
It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance.

God is as close as our breath,
and we already live and breathe
and have our being in Him.

The Son is good.
The Father is good.
The Spirit is good.

If I ask for forgiveness,
I shall have it.
I believe what He says
about Himself and
the provisions he
has already made
to meet my every need.
This invitation to know Him
is available to everyone,
and everyone can receive Him,
(or not)

If some would rather have a task Master,
a harsh Master that dishes out justice,
a Master that punishes everyone equally,
that finds that no one measures up,
they can have Him.

They can hold to that vision, make it a works plan,
a plan with no hope for anyone but hell.
And they will find as they always have suspected,
as they pass from this miserable life to the next,
that they have always been in hell.

Bill Thomas 08 February 2008

Thank you, William, a needed smack in the face for a vermiform theology that insists we grovel in the dust unworthily all our lives. I wish more church leaders thought as you do: spending much time working with folk who are told repeatedly they're useless & evil, I know the value of being told you're 'forgiven, loved & free'.

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Marina Gipps 14 March 2006

This is one of your best poems because it has gone way off the deep end and taken risk and has survived. Also, it has a very provincial feel to its conversational tone which works in your favor.

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John Tiong Chunghoo 13 March 2006

this poem has a good concept but it needs reworking to make the points clearer.

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Lawrence S. Pertillar 13 March 2006

WOW! So well conceived. This is very well written, William! Congratulations! L

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William Jackson

William Jackson

San Antonio, Texas
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