Persona Within Me Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Persona Within Me

I could be as sweet as a sugar as sweet as aromatic roses that can be a therapeutic for you to heal your broken heart in safe of your secrets secure with me I'm here to listen and understanding you my dearestI can be stubborn as a bull if you pushes me around with disrespect with mannerlessor either protective it's probably because in some of a time that I'm surely right

sometimes it's the opposite from right to wrong you may believe that probably because I'm right I maybe smart or maybe not I don't usually show I maybe not know I maybe know if however some people take advantage of my time and kindness and underestimate me

I mostly loyal as a lioness as a friend could ever be you could ever meet I maybe loved by people closest to me that knows the truthful things about me but yet there time where gossiping out there whom know nothing about me whom run there mouth with nonsense of word could ever be said in the community club house once a nine years ago but I don't care

I'm surely careless so I'll walk out of the obstacle of untruthful of words that spread around in my past that long gone ago people whom fool by the foolish by the whom speak a butter on the floor a foolish may speak all the nonsense that all I could say

the only weaknesses when it's come to care about other then myself in times I need the most of guidance in time when I need heal but there no where to find but instead of myself I helped other in need

I maybe posh and classy that because I'm mostly silent speak only if I've been ask and answer only if there a question I'm maybe be quite but knowing thing but I keep it quite even though it maybe hurtful but I heal it with a fullness of a smile I can easily tell when someone need healing in a time of silent in a time of strength that can't be voice out

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