Player Of The Heart Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Player Of The Heart

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I maybe the women who love you then and forever
I’m just so tired to be fool by a player of the heart
Those have no answer but to fool my heart
With full of empty promises left inside me
All the pure love worth of sacrifice, but it’s of the limit now
All the answer left of clue I have figure it out
On my own same place of cure

Which you lead me to sore and bleed my heart dying core
I will never be your wife or your true women
Caused i can say this to you the last words
You may call me whatever you want

Stop with the drama and more on the effort
To prove me you love me for real
Instead of whisper to my ears I'm your
Girlfriend a wife of your, But what about the action
We are not in a music school Or A drama class of acting
but I don’t think so you will never sacrifice anything for me
You break the heart pieces a million times before

I will never played a person heart
I’m just the realistic one in one
One face and one heart that will say the same
Bleed me to tears wound me with hurts
I will always love you and pray for you
No matter what happened
My heart will never lie

If I ever Locked my heart to love you
I'm dead sure I will walk out of your life
And never let my heart be broken
And carry on without me
I will carry on with you
By locking my heart to love again
Six year of no answer is like a chapter
without an end of happiness
When pure love lead us to give up
the hopes which have been waiting
its worth a wait

You Know already where is your happiness
but he is blind to open his heart to love
you the same, till you lost your hope and
start to locked your heart to be love is not
so easy to be return back the pure love not
even a Gold and pay the pure love

When the pure love lost hope, hope of waiting till the heart almost locked to be loved.
Dr Antony Theodore 06 August 2018

Bleed me to tears wound me with hurts I will always love you and pray for you No matter what happened My heart will never experience is always a mystery. sometimes we do not know wherein our heart goes....... very fine expressions of pure love of your heart....... thank u dear poetess. tony

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