Pet Snake Poem by Larry Schreckengost

Pet Snake

I think it's great
That you want a snake
And go against advice
Still you might be right
A pet snake could suffice
Think about the mice

Yes, a snake won't track or mud the rug
And I'm pretty sure snakes don't snore
And snakes never bark when
Friends come to the door

But I don't think snakes can sit
Or chase a ball that you've hit
And snakes never ever try to escape
To shed their skins on bedroom drapes

In any case I'm sure your snake
Would find you very captivating
And maybe a little frustrating
The way your lungs keep inflating

You could sleep face to face
Kinda interlaced
So your snake could keep you
In her strong embrace

So Mom, It's up to you
Maybe a dog would do

Pet Snake
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: family,humorous
Bri Edwards 25 November 2020

2 - ** I envy each snakeskin, , , , if it's been shed, not those cut from a snake when it's dead. Think of the relief a shed skin does receive when the snake lets the skin take its leave! bri ;) p.s. Did " Mom" really get a snake?

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Bri Edwards 25 November 2020

1 - line 7 Haven't you ever seen the tracks left in loose sand by a Sidewinder rattler? " To shed their skins on bedroom drapes" ! ! About 20 minutes ago i wrote a tiny poem** to a PH friend, mentioning a shed snake skin! ! Is this " tongue in cheek" ? : " And snakes never ever try to escape To shed their skins on bedroom drapes" to MyPoemList (cont.)

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