Pirate Girl Poem by Captain Cur

Pirate Girl

Rating: 5.0

I smelt the scent of sweet perfume.
Oh! Pirate Girl! My Pirate Girl!
I knew that she would be my doom.
Oh! Pirate Girl! My Pirate Girl!

I asked her to set sail with me.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
She laughed and said for a small fee.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

On her cheeks are twin tattoos.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Not the cheeks you paint with rouge.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

She is the older side of young.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
On her sails my heart is strung.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

She can be warm or cold as ice.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Beware! She's deadly with a knife.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

She is handy with rope and shot.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Squeeze the trigger and pull the knot.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

A firing squad or hangman's hood.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
She says for me they'll be too good.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

A mongrel's bite she has for sure.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
And bares her teeth at Captain Cur.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

We steal, plunder and capture ships
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
My sole desire her tawny lips.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

She races to loose the topmost sail.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Sun on her face and wind in her hair.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Limber she climbs in darkened skies.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
With salt stained cheeks and moonlit eyes.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Adorned by stars, her movements free.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
I love and worship her like the sea.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

I think of her when the currents slow,
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
when clouds are still and winds won't blow,
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

When storms appear in salt mist skies
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
When sunlight fails and moonlight dies.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

She knows her way around the galley.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Her lips are sugar sweet like candy.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Not that I have tasted any.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Yet voyage long and time aplenty.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

I know where our first kiss must be!
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
As the blithe winds compass me.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Where the seven bodies blend.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
Round Neptune's rings at oceans end.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Now we sail the endless seas.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!
I with her, and she with me.
Oh! Pirate girl! My Pirate girl!

Captain of the "Malevolent"
Circa 1645

No matter how the currents flow
or the fell winds blow,
you will always and forever be
My Pirate Girl, My Pirate Love.

Friday, June 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: song
Ruth Walters 18 July 2017

Tattoes on each cheek? I'm wondering how that might look! LIked the rhyme and rhythm here and sailed along with the lines :)

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Edward Kofi Louis 07 July 2017

Endless seas! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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