Please Stop Fighting Poem by Lisa French

Please Stop Fighting

Rating: 5.0

I sit in my room with the door shut tight
All I hear is fighting it's just not right

I sit here in tears as I hear glass smashing
Things hit the floor as I hear to much crashing

I sit here alone wishing the old was back
But theres too much screaming to get back in tact

I wait for it all to stop I wait and wait
It's not going to happen it sounds like theres hate

Please stop fighting don't force me to part
I love you both too much don't rip my broken heart

Liz Taylor 12 December 2012

you are an AMAZING writing. i just wen through all 47 of your poems. they are all perfect. i wish i could write like you [3 they're amaaing. good job

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I have been here before its not a good feeling you expressed this well.. Great work Dan

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Matt Haigh 13 December 2008

I'm going to have a wild guess and say that this is about parents fighting? ... Anyway, it's a good poem, like the others.: P I still don't know how you can rhyme so well though. lol

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