Pm Justin Trudeau's Canada Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Pm Justin Trudeau's Canada

PM Justin Trudeau's Canada
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Canada stands tall and upright
True and steadfast like the mountains and trees
Towering over many countries with its unwavering goals
To become a more wonderful nation
With equally beautiful citizens and residents;

If it has brought forth the scent of abundance
It has also reflected the sunshine of the past
And made it even brighter
And brought the light of the sunbeams in daily life;

If it has the growth of happiness associated with countries
It has the attribute of beauty
And I seek of thee, Canada,
Recognition of my efforts and endeavours
While I make a pledge to love you, Canada,
For the joy you bring to us;

By a hair's breadth (with a man's hair)
By a flower's hardness (with soft firmness)
By the soft tread of a man making history (PM Trudeau must have made friends and enemies)
Justin Trudeau, you have personified the country of Canada
As a living soul who breathes and lives the dreams and aspirations of Canadians.

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Please note: I will attach the picture of a flower arrangement I have made tonight.

Pm Justin Trudeau's Canada
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: country
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