Promise Poem by Concetta Salter


Fooled by a promise you swore was the truth.
Believing your lies without having a clue.
Kissing me softly, you spoke words of love.
Back than I believed you, and soaked it all up.
We’d lie side by side in the warmth of our bed.
How I believed all the words that you said.
They said you’re a liar, a cheat, and a fake.
I never believed all the words that they’d say.
I’d have given my life, if I found yours at risk.
Nothing compared to your passionate kiss.
Nothing prepared me for what I would find.
Everything changed on that heartbreaking night.
Walking inside of the place we called home,
I seen you were naked from head down to toes.
The girl underneath was exactly the same.
Moaning in pleasure and screaming your name.
You said that your sorry, you tried to explain.
Nothing you said would have made it ok.
All of those people were right in the end.
All of your love was just fake and pretend.
I’ve cried out my sorrow, and now I’m prepared,
To take back my heart, though it needs some repairs.
Somewhere outside, in this vast place called earth,
Perhaps theirs a man who could help me not hurt.
This is my mission, my promise to me.
I’ll find this one man, cause a promise, I keep.

Concetta Salter

Concetta Salter

Coral Springs FL.
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