Queen Elizabeth- A Tribute To Her Majesty Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Queen Elizabeth- A Tribute To Her Majesty

Goodbye to a Queen so deeply loved and admired,
your grace and majesty shall forever be remembered;
you have been a mother to your nation for decades
you have been a mentor to your family for ages;
you have endured the various tides of the ocean called life
you have braved every storm with a sea of courage over strife;
your tolerance and patience was so boundless and remarkable
you were the grace that made England look so elegant;

those flowers, those mornings, those evenings and dusk
were all so filled with air and aroma of your majestic existence;
how much everyone wanted to know where you would go
what you would do and when they could see you smile next;
and wherever you would go, so much charm and charisma
so much affection and humbleness you would exude
that as you left you waved out with love and affection so genuine
that as you go now who will not want to wave back at you;
and in those episodes of friendship with people around you,
you always stood up to encourage and appreciate others,
you always were so gentle and so graceful.

Will the world ever get to see a mother like you
who loved her nation as much as she loved her own children?
will the world ever get to see a queen as royal as you
who always wore the best of clothes
and at the same time wore the best of humbleness to go along?
will the world ever get to see a distinguished woman
who though a queen demonstrated so much compassion
when she herself was so frail yet she never discouraged others
though she was in power and say;
yes, will heaven ever get to welcome another queen
who at the end of her tenure on this earth
departs with grace and warmth so unfathomable
that gratitude and words don't match to thank her enough?

So Goodbye O' Queen for sharing
for those many years of love, unity and trustworthiness
that everyone who will walk on those promenades of Buckingham will always hear of a story
of a young girl who had become a queen
when she was just 25 years of age
and even until the age of 96 she still reigned as a queen
with wonder in her eyes and smile,
with solidarity and friendliness in her heart
and it made her country feel so proud of her
that her cherished memories will always linger on
in their homes and hearts of a queen they so much loved.

Queen Elizabeth- A Tribute To Her Majesty
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: queen
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