Rainbow Reflections Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

Rainbow Reflections

May the reflection of eight colours show
An insight into multi-task mind whose
Responses and reactions few friends choose
To understand in depth though surface glow
Instincts awakens, feelings high and low.
Neutral never, standards she pursues:
Excellence, integrity, won’t loose.
Method holistic native flows
Along lines few can follow for she knows
Rigid rules are to be scorned while cues
That are implicit add truth to the News,
Innovation boredom must foreclose.
Network extensive offers interface
Enhancing odds on winning Chance’s race.

Much water has beneath her bridges wide,
Awash with feelings, flowed, although with dreams
Rewarded insufficiently it seems.
Too little sensitivity! The tide
Is ripe for change which should not be denied,
New light at tunnel’s end at last here gleams,
Enchantment’s magic lantern, warming, beams.
Mutations new relationships provide,
Answered quest, nor questions nor divide!
Rise above defenses, pick up steam,
To leave role play, control, or pre-planned scheme,
In trust spontaneous does joy reside!
Natural, all barriers unlock.
Efforts rewards shall find through culture shock.

Masterly abilities, yet heart
Awaits an opportunity to she
Reticence with self-denial wed,
Though this is paradox so few can chart.
Ideas of innovation are a part,
Need nonetheless, by stimulation fed,
Ever to challenge limits, stay ahead.
Maybe the timing’s right for a fresh start
Allowing tenderness through Cupid’s dart.
Refreshing feelings butter daily bread,
Triumph over doubts, to share unsaid
Innate intuitions à la carte.
Never let those past regrets hold back
Emotions whose rich promise none should lack.

Mock not the words weave woven to assess
Assets, liabilities to seek
Reasons for refusal to be weak
That cover compromises nonetheless.
Inner inhibitions few can guess,
No leeway leave emotions which should speak,
Expelling locks unconscious, self critique.
Mind mirages may fade as feelings bless
Authentic links to forwarding address,
Responding, not reacting tongue in cheek.
Though dress be stylish and the image chic
Is this a screen to hide some inner stress?
No longer wait, unite great talents rare,
Energized to write a future fair!

Mistake not superficial compliment
And praise with inner search for understanding
Recycle past priorities demanding
To find a mind which your’s may complement.
It is not easy to discern intent
Nor stimulation sweet, surprise outstanding.
Enjoy each moment fully notwithstanding
Make-believe which seldom can content.
Accept the joy of being different
Rejecting still a role which leaves one standing,
Tied down to mediocrity commanding
In compensation for time lost, misspent.
New opportunities find, wings for flight,
Expanding this equation infinite.

Magic smile and sense of style combine
As style and sense intense scorn spoken phrase.
Revelation gleams! It seems my days
Turn to delight, light prints upon each line.
If any doubt the hand of Fate’s design
None may deny the ways which inner gaze
Endorses fearless forces, full, bright blaze.
Masks fall and all to music melts, to wine
All water turns as Autumn Spring divine
Rediscovers lifting icy haze.
This exploration no fixed chart obeys,
Intuitions fuse and underline
New Year’s hopes for scope to twin each soul
Entwine two parts that need to seed true whole.

(22 January 2005)
Nasarudheen Parameswaran 02 September 2013

A beautiful narration in style and content, attractive

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