*rubaiyat Of Invention And Innovation - After Edward Fitzgerald - Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam* Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

*rubaiyat Of Invention And Innovation - After Edward Fitzgerald - Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam*

Rating: 4.3

Please see notes BEFORE reading

Those only interested in the second part explanation on differences in female/male thoughtmodes may scroll down to the highlighted couplet below:

yet now its time for rhyme to help poor male
to understand why women lead the way!

Rubaiyat of Invention and Innovation

At rubaiyat muse plays as thought explores
for your amusement Life's ‘hows', ‘whys', ‘wherefores',
thoughts thread together, beaded rosary
to bloom until stark tomb dark curtains draws...

Once words have left returning page to find
imprinted home in spirit or in mind
retain gold dear, steer far from dross loss base -
touch base with open eyes which once peered blind.
Life veils ‘beyond the pale' through which few see -
too many haste to taste eternity,
ignore life is succession finite, -
sum of infinite opportunity.

Can "Truth" exist? we're asked, who'd taste masked core,
touch tendrils, clutch at straws, rehearse a score
whose strophes three score ten, twice more again,
write introduction light untold before.
Here Left and Right we join or juxtapose,
as letters twenty six may recompose
thought-waves without the need to favour court, -
nor ought fraught taut retort be brought verse, prose.
As Caxton's soldiers fan out page to page,
wage war with work, or work with living wage,
words' worth seeks judgement balanced, sets the stage
without judgemental values used as cage.

Here content, style, a while, united are,
to s[t]imulate reflection, nothing bar,
to pleasure, treasure, or discard at will
by Jack and Jill, Left, Right, at odds, on par.
So in these stanzas that speed to succeed
each other helter-skelter, thinking feed,
Green represents most right-brain thinking while
Blue underlines Left's understanding need.
Right brain most female thought-modes represents,
while Left brain runs male mind-sets bent on sense,
conclusions drawn between the two explain
these verses' rhyme and reason may condense
ways men think women feel their flower world,
ways women feel men think their power hurled,
the bridge of sighs between the two we try
to etch or sketch as headlong minds wind whirled
must surf our Universe, "the ‘why' not knowing,
Nor whence, like water willy-nilly flowing:
And out of it, as wind along the waste,
it knows not whither, willy-nilly blowing."
Read here, we're led to shed some light on what
could be by robot programmed, ‘tis the lot
of whosoever dares, ahead of time,
create ideas that stimulate a lot.
Whatever our allotted span, our race
worldwide too favoured narrow man as ace, -
soon woman's savour shall claim pride of place,
replace man's place of pride and flavour base.
So grasp the moving finger as it writes
wait not on Time, but tune to timing - flights
of fancy twin with opportunity
which may not seed again feed dream's delights.
Here we explore core paradoxes which
divide left brain from right, and offer switch
inviting insight into ways all think
Jack Left, Jill Right, communication stitch.
In passing thank Fitzgerald whose Omar
Is as important as the Calendar
the latter gave the world in years gone by, -
without the which we couldn't travel far.
"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
moves on: nor all thy piety nor wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it."

‘The Moving Finger writes, moves on once writ',
says Left, ensuring that conclusions fit,
Alas! - train Right brain finds track rigid, tied
to thought-mode far too tight, Will wanting wit!
At stake is not just opportunity
to mock Pandora's lock neccessity,
Knowledge must link to Intuition's guide, -
Time mocks rocks, dykes which walled off sea from sea.
Invention, innovation, share few tracks,
the former leans on what the latter lacks, -
Left brain is organized, by logic backed
while Right brain loves to test conflicting tacks.
One seeks salvation's compliments right now,
one tweaks, creation complements, finds "how",
but [k]needs the trip itself where'er it leads, -
each track is farrowed by a different plough.
NIRVANA reads RAN VAIN when lacking span
to shrink the link dividing man from man,
RA IN VAN enlightenment sums sun,
where I RAN VAN entitlement works plan.
Invent pursues where innovation points,
from its zen flesh and bones provides the joints
the world's attention gains, an iceberg tip
to trace the crown our surface race anoints!
Invention: information channelled, spelled,
Where end result is traced from chase compelled
by circumstance - necessity as dam -
objective gained, no energy withheld.
Innovation: flashpoint few foresee,
lightning strike, transforms reality,
stems less from dam than from home grown desire,
sires fires to damn conventionality.
Invent is news which hi[s]story appoints.
Innovation: views, not won on points,
The two approaches differ widely for
Invent is Left brain which itself anoints.
Invent: Left's spirit seldom satisfied
with status quo, would sew new ribbon tied
around edition fresh of old idea,
and profit, in all senses, from the ride.
Right, - Innovation - often steps aside
from golden rule that common sense should bide, -
warm ride more interest holds than cold gold which,
though rich in cents, insensed, distorts, can't guide.
Left puzzles pieces, Right, holistic whole.
Left scratches parts, square peg grounds to round hole.
Right parts from scratch, prefers mind vaulting pole
to catalyse spring causal, humour drôle.
Right rôle games plays, irks Left who'd goal to goal
spin faster, t[h]read to carpet red unroll,
Left works with teams, Right teems with works
which whet the appetites of who'd, for perks, control.
Right little patience shows with rigmarole,
defined in terms precise which some extoll,
Right bets on hedges, Left oft hedges bets
to safeguard steps from green with envy soul.
Red Tape is Left behind. Right circumvents
black holes, sees red when Left plays righteous, vents
spleen, envy, steam while Right anticipates
new ways to dollars save at cents' expense.
Left little patience shows for double Dutch,
plays safe, while Right relays, remains in hutch.
Left is frustrated when from tall black hat
Right rabbit pulls while both at straws still clutch.
For leads Right looks, left looks to lead, grow grand,
Finds focus where Right‘s dreams schemes must expand -
outstanding Right where Left would just stand out -
Left needs command, Right seeds to understand.
Right's Ball "no question makes of Ayes and Noes
but here or there as strikes the fancy flows
and Left that toss'd it down into the field,
Left knows about it all - HE knows - HE knows! "
Right's bat at that suspicious often grows, -
Alas, that Spring should vanish with the rose!
Left's certainties today may morrow wilt, when
"Youth's sweet-scented manuscript will close! "
"With Earth's first clay" Left wished last Man to knead,
there would of the last harvest sow the seed -
Right "the first morning of Creation wrote
what the last dawn of reckoning shall" breed!
And this Right knows: whether the one True Light
kindle to Love, or wrath consuming quite,
that in one flash [s]he sees mind's mirror caught
wins more than might in Left's right left outright.
Right out of senseless Nothing can provoke
a conscious Something to offset all yoke,
though yolk and white combine where omelette
of chicken-egg debate is often spoke.
Less Left would speak but takes in hand the spoke,
width calculates, sounds stress, - where sound may poke.
Left scores ‘illicit' pleasure, under pain
of everlasting penalties, laws broke.
Left won't be left behind, when mind must work
with application, checks, rechecks won't shirk
should one experiment meet accident -
returns to find where errors, irking, lurk.
Right won't be tied behind by sect or kirk,
imagination surfs Time's tide to jerk
life's secrets from "the foam of perilous seas
of faery lands forlorn" - twist humour quirk.
Defence and Prosecution illustrate
the different roles perceptions demonstrate
the ways invent and innovation play
their parts within both statement and the State.
Prosecution steers procedure past,
point proves, from point to point advances fast,
weighs more than plays, stays wary where surprise
could compromise its ruts, designed to last.
Left brain improves, adapts, contrives to cast
cards schooled to rule through precedent hard, fast,
right brain senses emotivity
which left brain tests with rigour unsurpassed,
Defence cares less for strong notes than key song,
dares more, wears less, won't always string along,
lifts patterns more than sifts, dreams different guise,
wise, judges not disguise as always wrong.
Prosecution hones the Law's harsh bite
pursues relentless all that ever might
present fair play as way lest laxity,
upsets convictions, or conviction's might.
Defence runs fate's dark gauntlet, just finds way
to play for time and execution's stay -
while Prosecution, left, preys on just fight
Defence p[r]ays, fights to fight another day.
One, left brain thinking works through day and night,
the other, right brain, writes of wrongs to right,
would equity extend to free and see
might to its place, replaced with just insight.
Left brain procedures precedents uphold,
this right brain finds restrictive, leaves it cold,
between the two grey matters black and white
draw frontiers firm in court naught caught short sold.
When something goes awry, elastoplast
Left tries - to sa[l]ve old bearings overcast,
turns back to drawing board which soon supplies
Left's logic with an answer to forecast.
Right looks aghast at formal plans and strong
Of mice and men - when sounds the final gong
they're often wanting found, ship foundering lies
floundering at the bottom of the klong.
With instinct and experience Left packs
The deal he'd seal to minimise risk's whacks, -
while Right deals out the pack which Fate defies, -
and wins or loses gambling chips in stacks.
From never rest to Everest Left would climb
intent on proving life's not p[h]antomime,
Right here's more bent upon perspectives vast
which care a dime that climate rhymes with time.
Invectives and opinions firm Left keeps
directive bland or pinions, Right squirms, weeps,
from both the world at any given time
must draw to balance checks from quantum leaps.
Left files sharp claws which both before behind,
attack or self defence, protect the mind
from flux, from change, arranges, irons out
barbed wired impressions orderedly and lined.
Left, from quotations printed fine, consigned,
advances point to point, points proves, aligned
as peas in pod, squad trained beyond all doubt,
avoiding void, vain compromise maligned.
Right‘s rainbow led reflections are declined, -
ground ‘neath Left's feet, unsound, seems undermined, -
lest consequence from cause risk spirals out,
Left snaps control, traps soul in double bind.
Left limits ‘strange' to context predefined,
lauds conduct clear, to weakness scarce inclined -
Reaction not Response its all about, -
matter mutters "mind, do not unwind"!
Left seeks respect, tweaks Right who weak he'd find, -
inclined to speculations undefined.
Right looks 'beyond', towards monde SHE may scout
mind over matter mutters 'don't be blind! '
Right's polyvalent talents are combined
with "will to know" not "know to will assigned"
Right far and wide, will doubt, conventions flout,
replacing rigid Past with Future kind.
Right colour, contour, context, weighs, inclined
perplexed not vexed by text hex too confined, ...
not "in" or "out", but context "round about"
not "black" or "white", - too tight, - rights unresigned.
Right ties rejects which, too long trained, strong twined,
leave insufficient rein when wined and dined,
reigns over networks new which serve, st[r]and out,
deserve attention due, yet undefined.
Left brain firm trains, explains, holds doubt a vice,
‘method' blessed in Prussian terms precise,
Right seeks advice, to ‘When? ' adds ‘Why? '
to trynew ways to ‘scape predestination's vice.
Left th[r]ough due process, orders gives, obeys,
Right resonates, tunes, amplifies, relays,
each finds reach others teach at best suspect, -
one phrase defines, one signals waves in phase.
Left, little feeling, thinks on measures, weighs,
Right little thinking, feels for treasured ways,
Each finds fond pleasure through bond interface
The other questions [Left], or, [Right] dismays.
Left comprehends, Right feels, ‘gainst wrong appeals.
Right makes amends where sometimes Left conceals
emotions with a surface self-restraint
Right often feels false travesty reveals.
Left masks emotions - tasks take precedence,
Right damns dam notions, drawing from sixth sense
though complex facts intact, contract's pursued,
Right tact prefers, contacting joys intense.
Left's sense of purpose drives momentum great.
Right's sense convergent helps to integrate,
grateful, what Left too often grates, to bring
perspective spans holistic, to create.
Left's sense of planning point to point links straight.
Right's contradictions often may frustrate,
from straitened circumstances two paths spring -
these, well combined, approach perfection's state.
Right brain responds, to empathize its rôle.
Left brain reacts, to emphasize control.
Each needs a dose of each to reach the stars -
who little care for spins from pole to pole.
Left is the standard cork to bottle wine,
Right has unusual ‘nose' for flavour fine:
together they complete life's kitchen where
one cutler is, one chef, - and so we dine!
One channels to produce pure data streams,
One flannels to seduce, lure, sate her dreams,
thus inspiration gleams through different ways
we chose the dice Fate throws, streamlines extremes.
Invention is the blossom on the tree,
whose scent is innovation - what role we
elect to play is weighed by hand which writes
the score for music that posterity
will use or will abuse, for good or ill,
to chain or free, the Future's dreams fulfill
to mar, or let men Mars and far stars reach,
empower'd by women who will not stand still.
Invention is intention catalyzed,
by role reversal, vistas reapprized,
extension complicated later seen
as simple step towards a goal disguised.
Is "simple step ahead on path disguised"
more than old calculations rerevised?
Once inaccessible, goal gleams with second-sight
through touchstone turned once much despised.
Extension is an option exercized
which counts or counters process organized, -
play with the flow, go tack against tides tight,
examples sample, straight lines exorcized.
Some words were changed in the three stanzas which
proceeded this, the argument to stitch, -
however phrased ‘Invent', ‘Create', refuse
static overviews through toss and pitch.
And yet when innovation spreads its shoots
to sound the ground thought far too dry for roots,
the route is either opened or prepared
as Present, Future, Past, act in cahoots.
Yet Change's stream self-stimulates its flow
from double sources, which together sow
awareness heightened of an interplay
auto-configurated, primed to go
by synchronicity yet not in tandem though
the two may be confused in afterglow
when hindsight's blessing seeks to document
‘invent' and ‘innovation' cameo.
Life can't run on one track, - both sot and sage,
must gear up, intuitions hear, engage,
black, white, replace with bright kaleidoscope,
and [w]ink "I think I think! " upon Life's page.
What matters, and to whom? What gravities
apply when anti-matter equals tease
conundrums which a life-long paradox
entertains until all memories
are atomised upon a karmic breeze,
"blown willy-nilly" till, like honeyed bees,
they bumble on towards a homely hive.
They stumble on till patterns by degrees
from angles wide frame, focus, offer keys
for who between the lines can read, and these
the waft and weft of substance may discern
to draw the line dividing wood from trees.
Both rhyme and reason often are withheld
till time and season ring the changes belled,
and timing is essential where the mind
must funnel forces for tomorrow spelled.
Who would evolve must choose from many doors, -
each offers either fame, or blame, doom draws.
Time twists or tows each current man would seize,
each offers health or wealth, advance or pause, -
The doors are those of inner confidence,
opened not by sitting on a fence,
though ‘Chance' a helping hand can often lend
connecting inklings into solid sense.
But sense is insufficient - those who see
the light with passion work to find a key
to free not freeze mankind, - yet better world
needs no fixed frieze to please the gallery.
What fame is, what is doom, though, who foresees?
What choice reject, what opportunities
take for, or take as, granted, intervene
converting wonder into energies
which harness intuitions to complete
a chain of thought whose end few e'er do meet,
combining much intangible to seek
responses which Left's world will help to beat.
Who would advance must, knock upon those doors,
imagine links between effect and cause,
must persevere despite cold failure's fears,
warm ice of ignorance until it thaws.
For "Cause", "Effect" combine as on their way
the cusps converge in subtle interplay,
although the watershed important seems
today - tomorrow's dreams may well betray.
Left brain or Right? The one extends the known,
re-engineers and hears hid pattern's tone,
the other changes gears and clears the way
intuitive the former's instincts stone.
Left brain or Right? One concentrates, would own,
the other seems to contradictions prone,
yet both explore for flaw with minds honed keen -
synaptic leaps come cheap, fresh codes to clone.
Right wastes the precious hour "in vain pursuit
of this and that endeavor and dispute; -
better be jocund with the fruitful grape
than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit."
Right too well knows with what "a brave carouse
some made a second Marriage in their house";
"divorced old barren Reason from their bed,
and took the daughter of the vine to spouse."
Yet those who whine, those who wine-dine, one day
will meet like fate, in state with worms to stay,
or earnings urned, or sunk ‘full fathom five'
both trunk or drunk they wake too late to pray!
The Left brain can "with logic absolute
the two-and-seventy jarring sects confute"
Right, sovereign alchemist, may in a trice
Life's leaden metal into gold transmute.
"For Is and Is-not Left with rule and line
and UP-AND-DOWN by Logic does define, "
of all that one should care to fathom, Right
was never deep in abstracts to design.
In all "the seeds of wisdom both would sow",
each with his, her "hand conjurs it to grow":
though this be bitter harvest most must reap -
"I came like Water, and like Wind I go."
Left sizes "Glories of This world" while Right
sighs for the Prophet's Paradise come right,
Left takes the cash, and lets the credit go!
Who'd heed the rumbling distant drum tonight?
And Left who "husbanded the golden grain, "
and Right who "flung it to the winds like rain",
alike to no such aureate earth are turn'd
as, buried once, Men want dug up again."
She, chaste, who s[l]aving pension's rationned crust,
He who chased to waste through greed and lust,
alike must not forget to taste the spice
of life before its root dissolves in dust.
Retirement benefits are left unclaimed
when Death, untimely, Fate's sharp shafts has aimed, -
how much of what remains by fiscal crush
is lost - what cost to generations maimed!
Though Chance unhappy is too often blamed
each makes his bed, together those once famed
for vice or virtue now forgotten lie
beneath the grass where once they, heedless, gamed.
"And we, that now make merry in the room
they left, and summer dresses in new bloom,
ourselves must we beneath the couch of earth
descend - ourselves to make a couch - for whom?
The worldly hope most set their hearts upon
turns ashes - or it prospers; and anon,
like snow upon the desert's dusty face,
lighting a little hour or two - is gone.

We are no other than a moving row
of magic shadow-shapes that come and go
round with the sun-illumined lantern held
in midnight by the Master of the Show.
But helpless pieces of the game He plays
upon this chequer-board of nights and days;
hither and thither moves, and checks, and slays,
and one by one back in the closet lays."
Left brain warp, weft, weaves patchwork into goal
Right links the jump, or jumps the link to bowl
Conformity as patterns into play
may come a dime a dozen, colour soul.
For Right, night brings rich dreams which ring a bell.
For Left, a concept new to master well.
For Right or Left it matters not a jot
if happiness cannot be 'got' as well.
Both high I.Q. and gift of second sight
fail in the scales however smart or bright,
if peace of mind, serenity, none find
to burnish daily bind with inner light.
Yet inner light is what Life's all about -
who cares a curse for economic clout -
as wallets fail but heart which true to self
remains, for cash cares not, can conquer doubt.
Left brain or Right? The one reaps what is sown
remains tenacious, sometimes claims his own
what Right brain stimulates though times be lean, -
one schemes, replaces themes the other's grown.
Left brain or Right? The one retains control,
the latter's best exploring jeux de rôle,
one works his team's ideas, the other teems
with flashes filling ignorance's hole.
Left brain or Right? One works to build the whole
from parts prenumbered or explicit goal,
the other flouts conformity to find
a missing link - and, often, begging bowl.
Fiction, fact, both in their way attract, -
Left codifies, can plan, expand, extract,
Right spans apparent contradictions, may
through alchemy free essence pure, intact.
Left brain or Right? Each plays a different pitch
One seeks in process practice best, straight stitch,
the other joys in spontaneity
responds to setbacks with a humour rich.
Left brain or Right? One seeks to ‘know it all'
the other patterns ‘search' itself, whose call
can come from outside past experience -
whence Left draws force for details great and small.
Right feels: "the Idols I have loved so long
have done my credit in this world much wrong:
have drown'd my glory in a shallow cup,
And sold my reputation for a song."
"Indeed, indeed, repentance oft before
I swore - but was I sober when I swore?
And then, and then came Spring, and Rose-in-hand
my thread-bare penitence apieces tore."
Right senses details will themselves in time
from chaos sort themselves, to form a rhyme
which music makes - cacophony may tame, -
Left from fresh heights will ever seek to climb.
Left inches onwards, then momentum gains,
Right finds but slight delight in careful pains,
on tangents travels till the paradox
should solve itself - though paradox remains!
Left seeks through flair and application to
compare, tear up, wear down, and try anew, -
exploring intuitions Right defies
forgone conclusions, greets green pastures new.
For Left might might be right from strong position,
or wrong when Left is left in opposition, -
preconceptions Right feels most unwise -
a state of mind Left thinks through inhibition
is compromise he can't well supervise
if circumstances change, luck turns, surprise
contradicts conditions neatly planned -
while Right, when challenged, loves to improvise.
But what is new? What might we rediscover
which none before could, vigilant, uncover?
What old is there where worlds in parallel
Time's carefree sands join hands to carefully cover?
There is a Door to which Right finds no Key;
There is a Veil through which Left might not see: -
each needs the other in Life's partnership
to sail towards sweet serendipity.
While Left excels at logical attack.
Right scouts beyond Life's boring beaten track,
both need autonomy for reasons they
"within the tavern door" poor brains do wrack.
"A Hair perhaps divides the False and True;
Yes; and a single Alif were the clue" -
where Left sorts, grades the angels on a pin
there Right sports, plays about their angles too!
"A hair divides" stark failure from success,
straightjacket from a jacket straight, address
Belgravian from grave where all lies rotten, -
forgotten f[l]ame interred in the process.
Some here there are who daily fly a kite,
who gaily persevere despite those tight
vested interests, opposition to
approaches new, disruptive, which just might
upset their applecart, who find delight
in time-worn stale traditions, empty [w]rite,
reciting litanies to tease not ease
those who would share their gifts, not parasite!
The challenges we all embrace today, -
together Left and Right may futures sway -
yet now its time for rhyme to help poor male
to understand why women lead the way!
Left brain or Right, man, maid, - what difference!
He seeks control - oft at his mate's expense -
While she for him is woman more than whim,
won't rock the boat except in self-defense.
Man thinks ‘I AM because I, man, do rule'
and woman rules through ‘sharing tools' - one school
is based on networks while the other would
lose wood for trees, sees not that he's Time's fool! .
While he will speak for everything to know,
she'll seek still more, lets life ring true, fill, grow.
One is Left brain, the other Right - yet why
is one left right behind, though more may s[h]ow..
She minds her peace, he gives her piece of mind.
Unkind he stays, strays often, - should she mind?
She's paradise, he's dice parade between
the knots he ties [w]hitch she must then unwind.
She works her shift, he shifts his work to her.
He, shiftless, shifty, silky shifts will spur!
He preys on her where she for him would pray, -
Her pay he'd tax where she'd life lax prefer!
She cares for kids, where he kids, cares to rest
before some sport - while she supports the rest,
works both from nine to five and five to nine.
He sports bright ties - light ties prefers the best!
She looks ahead while he, as head, looks on
good looks - which in her book is more than wrong,
regretting grass seems greener through the fence -
defence of dreams is sold short, for a song.
He wields the axe, while she bears forty whacks,
He thinks he wears the trousers though he slacks,
He waxes wroth he ‘needs', she kneeds the wax
fills cracks, unshackles, builds long lasting shacks.
He spares to live, she ever lives to share.
He won't forgive, she blossoms everywhere
needs harmony not tomb to bloom, bear fruit, -
He spi[t]es for wayfare, she, sprite, lights way fair!
He fields the work, while she must work the fields.
She feels the pinch, while he both pinches, feels.
She earns her keep while he her earnings keeps, -
She yields the count, while he, he counts the yields!
He'd lay the rules and rule the lays. Some say
unbalanced are the scales! On Judgment Day -
when all are weighed he's wanting found withal -
while she's a paragon, he's gone astray!
She swears to honour, cherish and obey,
while he of harem dreams, as Pasha, Bey, -
what's worth his plot of earth if one fine day
parthenogenisis may come to stay?
If SHE could autoreproduce or clone,
If SHE the race continued all alone,
what trace would HE retain who, vain, sees end
as master, losing face, to lying prone?
If HE, who least believes, seems set in stone,
If HE, who most receives, leaves self-righteous moan
then Mona Lisa sentence might suspend
and spare the rib that cuts her to the bone.
For Woman is the source, the stream, the flow,
SHE bends where HE may break when strong winds blow,
HE who would rule the cradle seldom takes
sufficient time to nurture Nature, know
that Left needs Right as friend as not as foe,
that Left needs Right to stagger stop and go,
that Left needs Right though Right's rights stimulate
the fear that Right bereft of Left might show
the way to new adventures truly told
which cut the ground beneath clay feet so cold,
while open options that may stake a claim
to true convergency, leave Left short-sold.
For though Left Man will seldom silent fold
his tents for his intents tie li[n]es of gold,
Right Lady seeks to light another flame
Whose spirit need not fail, nor yet grow old.
While HE invents, turns cents to sovereign mold,
SHE innovates, and networks to enfold,
HE's rolled into himself, seeks rich reward
where SHE, life's steward, stays the world from mould.
Still to tomorrow SHE her face will turn,
though HE stays still, will, glancing back, return
to glories past while she fast understands
the need to Present seed not Future burn.
Man's swift to burn those idols once adored,
hard head discards what generations stored
in search of stimulation to fulfill
a mind found wanting, or, through wanting, bored,
man's mate will tune a very different chord,
will read the runes, anticipate and ford
the flood he takes as threat, - for good or ill
will turn the tide and ride for peace restored.
Though some there are who through true flair clue, float,
and there are some who multicoloured coat
may don few sculpt new arches from the sky,
for rainbow hue may rock, shock logic's boat.
More than before see innovation's speed
increase to meet anticipated need
which interacts in turn as catalyst
to undermine traditions bead by bead.
Where men, grey, race, would not lose face, concede,
there maids may trace, would choose with grace, as reed
to slender bend, true to the end, unkissed
by compromise - a bitter prize indeed!
When tipping point is finally attained,
with Life's entangled web in part explained
those new horizons which seemed clear,
when neared, then reappear as paradox maintained.
Invent, - which votes development sustained
where Innovation, rich, notes bent unreined -
must then in tandem act, trust persevered,
momentum for the common good maintained.
Both strong and weak too long have entertained
a system all admit is overstrained,
if insight fails, if facts miscalculate,
it will be far too late as Fate, unchained,
accelerates beyond our wherewithal
to check, to bargain gaining time, to stall, -
if innovation cannot motivate
invention to wide view beyond recall
little may stay of all today held dear.
In social earthquake much may disappear,
the writing on the wall puts second-rate
complacency aside, gaps wide can't cheer.
For those who vote, those voted in to steer -
the latter to the former lend an ear
when elections near polls forge give-[s]take, -
stay in the dark to doom impending, near
For soon am I tsunami, shall appearfore
warning pale of failings! Loud and clear
environment around the globe may shake
despite spite's politicians insincere
who little heed Earth's thunder till the chips
are down, ground wakes beneath their feet and rips
apart ambitions which won't come to grips
with Nature's patience, climate fulcum tips.
Today Man's blind rapacity rewards
those who beat ploughshares into cheating swords, -
perhaps Tomorrow's perspicacity
will crust not bust entrust with wise awards.
Man moons explores, redraws the map of space,
finds flaws in much before his hand did trace,
perhaps time-out, return to drawing board,
might ready scene for a more steady pace
where symbiosis, Right and Left help face
a future free from fear of fall from grace,
where Woman is by Man nor spurned, ignored
as if HE could HER talents e'er replace!
"Come, fill the Cup, and" let Inventions swing
towards the visions Innovations sing,
"the Bird of Time has but a little way
to flutter - and the Bird is on the Wing! "
To Left, for scope, some, conscientious, turn,
to Right, for hope, adventurers return -
we trust these verses unrehearsed may please,
may set minds' sails on seas free-will will learn.
Some dream their acts, some act their dreams, and here
The reader sees both weakness, strengths, appear
to complement each other - we may work
to integrate all aspects, coded clear.
Enhanced, entranced, entrapped? The coming years
may mete set scene for keen and neat ideas
so each uncovers reach to harmony
to catalyze momentum free from fears.
To 'innovention' - phrase coined - we inscribe
our praise, our prose to those of female tribe
whose Right brain thinking, lateral nuance,
enrich cold logic to which men subscribe.
One could continue till the cows come home
comparing innovation's coloured foam
to hard-track records which inventions please -
enough! no more! depart! elsewhere to roam!
Lets "leave the wise to wrangle, and with me
the quarrel of the Universe let be:
and, in some corner of the hubbub couch't,
make game of that which makes as much of thee."
"Perplext no more with Human or Divine,
to-morrow's tangle to the winds resign, "
why care if Left or Right take precedence
can common sense true harmony decline!
"Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint and heard great argument
About INVENT and INNOVATION though
Most "came out by same door as in they went."
"Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd"
of Female, Male so learnedly, "are thrust
like foolish prophets forth; their words to scorn
are scatter'd left and right, mouths stopt with dust! "
"Oh, come from old Khayyam, and leave the wise
to talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;
one thing is certain, and the rest is Lies;
the flower that once has blown for ever dies."
So go from old Khayyam, and leave the Lot
of Innovation and Invent forgot!
"A flask of wine, a book of verse - and thou
with bread beneath the bough" would please thee not?
Ah friend, "could you and I with Him conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits -
and then Re-mold it nearer to the heart's desire! "
So if you hold to Left, or Right enfold,
don't to temptation bow, blown hot and cold,
to self stay true, yet toleration show, -
ends, means confused steamrolls soul unconsoled.
Though Left and Right in opposition seem,
Like Yin and Yang they're complements, a team
to win the Way which choice may add to voice,
although wicks burn, the turn can pick up steam
To churn ideas discerning chalk from cheese
Avoiding quarrels, splitting hairs or peas, -
No pins, no angels, heads, tails flipped askance -
Play chance degrees, not chance prey by decrees.
As we create conditions for [ex]change
of paradigm, what once seemed out of range, -
or out of court was thought - by signals strong
is caught to show ways we may rearrange
monochromatic patterns weird and strange
into a code that chaos can exchange,
or comprehension where no "right" or "wrong"
may man from man or woman more estrange.
Thus through the watershed of Chance or plan
all may advance and man prove true to man,
to ban judgmentmental values from the game
and tame dark forces! From the frying pan
not into fire to jump, or conflicts fan,
but open source new options which then can
prepare with care progression where the flame
of change is channelled, comfort in the van.
Each incarnation, like an iceberg tip,
is evanescent phase of onward trip, -
evaporation cycle spin obeys
as witness to time's superficial skip
from post to post through ghost or phantom grip,
from concrete feet which greet their fated ship
more with mistrust, non-plussed, haze blacks and greys,
than rainbow flow or superficial skip
across the time-zone karmic interlude
between fast, food, aims met or goals mis-cued,
calm, feud, - high, low imagined - as each act
shifts scene from fact through further fact pursued.
Pursuit involves intention to invention
embracing even active intervention
from preconception, stated point of view
whose motto seems too obvious to mention
when "principles" misgivings, apprehension,
may mask or compensate, hold in suspension,
whose motto is "I am, as I pursue"
self-justifying, trying, eases tension.
Right brain through empathy and intuition
evolves paths interactive, seeks fruition
encouraging response and not reaction,
avoiding Left brained parrot style tuition.
Left brain must train fine grained administration,
while Right will highlight sleight, anticipation,
too much of either - trains can't run on time,
or entertain a just emancipation
A dose of each - with neither on probation -
enables evolution, approbation
through moderation seeks a just solution,
avoids extremes of prison, revolution.
"Alike for those who for TO-DAY prepare,
and those that after a TO-MORROW stare,
a muezzin from the tower of darkness cries:
‘Fools! your reward is neither here nor there! '
Ah, make the most of what you yet may spend,
before you too into the dust descend;
dust into dust, and under dust, to lie,
sans wine, sans song, sans s[w]inger and - sans end ! "
We trust these quatrains, held up to the light,
have proved instructive, with less bark than bite,
not foundling foundered, fact found sound in sense,
insight packed tight, intense, not sot, rot trite.

May this excursion offer up some keys
beyond its verse-abilites and seize
the opportunity to open doors awhile
to find fresh focus open to degrees.

May this diversion stimulate and please,
yet reap and garner grain not chaff nor tease,
more substance keep than superficial style
while laughing at our own absurd…ditties.

</>n.b. it may be useful to scroll down to the end and read the notes before setting time aside for a worthwhile read :) - Enjoy!

At rubaiyat muse plays as thought explores
for your amusement Life's ‘hows', ‘whys', ‘wherefores',
thoughts thread together, beaded rosary
to bloom until stark tomb dark curtains draws...

Once words have left returning page to find
imprinted home in spirit or in mind
retain gold dear, steer far from dross loss base -
touch base with open eyes which once peered blind.

Life veils ‘beyond the pale' through which few see -
too many haste to taste eternity,
ignore life is succession finite, - sum
of infinite opportunity.

Can "Truth" exist? we're asked, who'd taste masked core,
touch tendrils, clutch at straws, rehearse a score
whose strophes three score ten, twice more again,
write introduction light untold before.

Here Left and Right we join or juxtapose,
as letters twenty six may recompose
thought-waves without the need to favour court, -
nor ought fraught taut retort be brought verse, prose.

As Caxton's soldiers fan out page to page,
wage war with work, or work with living wage,
words' worth seeks judgement balanced, sets the stage
without judgemental values used as cage.

Here content, style, a while, united are,
to s[t]imulate reflection, nothing bar,
to pleasure, treasure, or discard at will
by Jack and Jill, Left, Right, at odds, on par.

So in these stanzas that speed to succeed
each other helter-skelter, thinking feed,
Green represents most right-brain thinking while
Blue underlines Left's understanding need.

Right brain most female thought-modes represents,
while Left brain runs male mind-sets bent on sense,
conclusions drawn between the two explain
these verses' rhyme and reason may condense

ways men think women feel their flower world,
ways women feel men think their power hurled,
the bridge of sighs between the two we try
to etch or sketch as headlong minds wind whirled

must surf our Universe, "the ‘why' not knowing,
Nor whence, like water willy-nilly flowing:
And out of it, as wind along the waste,
it knows not whither, willy-nilly blowing."

Read here, we're led to shed some light on what
could be by robot programmed, ‘tis the lot
of whosoever dares, ahead of time,
create ideas that stimulate a lot.

Whatever our allotted span, our race
worldwide too favoured narrow man as ace, -
soon woman's savour shall claim pride of place,
replace man's place of pride and flavour base.

So grasp the moving finger as it writes
wait not on Time, but tune to timing - flights
of fancy twin with opportunity
which may not seed again feed dream's delights.

Here we explore core paradoxes which
divide left brain from right, and offer switch
inviting insight into ways all think
Jack Left, Jill Right, communication stitch.

In passing thank Fitzgerald whose Omar
Is as important as the Calendar
the latter gave the world in years gone by,
without the which we couldn't travel far.

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
moves on: nor all thy piety nor wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
nor all thy tears wash out a word of it."

‘The Moving Finger writes, moves on once writ',
says Left, ensuring that conclusions fit,
Alas! - train Right brain finds track rigid, tied
to thought-mode far too tight, Will wanting wit!

At stake is not just opportunity
to mock Pandora's lock neccessity,
Knowledge must link to Intuition's guide,
Time mocks rocks, dykes which walled off sea from sea.

Invention, innovation, share few tracks,
the former leans on what the latter lacks,
Left brain is organized, by logic backed
while Right brain loves to test conflicting tacks.

One seeks salvation's compliments right now,
one tweaks, creation complements, finds "how",
but [k]needs the trip itself where'er it leads,
each track is farrowed by a different plough.

NIRVANA reads RAN VAIN when lacking span
to shrink the link dividing man from man,
RA IN VAN enlightenment sums sun,
where I RAN VAN entitlement works plan.

Invent pursues where innovation points,
from its zen flesh and bones provides the joints
the world's attention gains, an iceberg tip
to trace the crown our surface race anoints!

Invention: information channelled, spelled,
Where end result is traced from chase compelled
by circumstance, necessity as dam
objective gained, no energy withheld.

Innovation: flashpoint few foresee,
lightning strike, transforms reality,
stems less from dam, than from home grown desire,
sires fires to damn conventionality.

Invent is news which hi[s]story appoints.
Innovation: views, not won on points,
The two approaches differ widely for
Invent is Left brain which itself anoints.

Invent: Left's spirit seldom satisfied
with status quo, would sew new ribbon tied
around edition fresh of old idea,
and profit, in all senses, from the ride.

Right, Innovation, often steps aside
from golden rule that common sense should bide, -
warm ride more interest holds than cold gold which,
though rich in cents, insensed, distorts, can't guide.

Left puzzles pieces, Right, holistic whole.
Left scratches parts, square peg grounds to round hole.
Right parts from scratch, prefers mind vaulting pole
to catalyse spring causal, humour drôle.

Right rôle games plays, irks Left who'd goal to goal
spin faster, t[h]read to carpet red unroll,
Left works with teams, Right teems with works which whet
the appetites of who'd, for perks, control.

Right little patience shows with rigmarole,
defined in terms precise which some extoll,
Right bets on hedges, Left oft hedges bet
to safeguard steps from any jealous soul.

Red Tape is Left behind. Right circumvents
black holes, sees red when Left plays righteous, vents
spleen, envy, steam while Right anticipates
new ways to dollars save at cents' expense.

Left little patience shows for double Dutch,
plays safe, while Right relays, remains in hutch.
Left is frustrated when from tall black hat
Right rabbit pulls while both at straws still clutch.

For leads Right looks, left looks to lead, grow grand,
Finds focus where Right‘s dreams schemes must expand -
outstanding Right where Left would just stand out -
Left needs command, Right seeds to understand.

Right's Ball "no question makes of Ayes and Noes
but here or there as strikes the fancy flows
and Left that toss'd it down into the field,
Left knows about it all - HE knows - HE knows! "

Right's bat at that suspicious often grows,
Alas, that Spring should vanish with the rose!
Left's certainties today may morrow wilt,
when "Youth's sweet-scented manuscript will close! "

"With Earth's first clay" Left wished last Man to knead,
there would of the last harvest sow the seed
"the first morning of Creation wrote
what the last dawn of reckoning shall" breed!

And this Right knows: whether the one True Light
kindle to Love, or wrath consuming quite,
that in one flash [s]he sees mind's mirror caught
wins more than might in Left's right left outright.

Right out of senseless Nothing can provoke
a conscious Something to offset all yoke,
though yolk and white combine where omelette
of chicken-egg debate is often spoke.

Less Left would speak but takes in hand the spoke,
width calculates, sounds stress, - where sound may poke.
Left scores ‘illicit' pleasure, under pain
of everlasting penalties, laws broke.

Left won't be left behind, when mind must work
with application, checks, rechecks won't shirk
should one experiment meet accident -
returns to find where errors, irking, lurk.

Right won't be tied behind by sect or kirk,
imagination surfs Time's tide to jerk
life's secrets from "the foam of perilous seas
of faery lands forlorn" twist humour quirk.

Defence and Prosecution illustrate
the different roles perceptions demonstrate
the ways invent and innovation play
their parts within both statement and the State.

Prosecution steers procedure past,
point proves, from point to point advances fast,
weighs more than plays, stays wary where surprise
could compromise its ruts, designed to last.

Left brain improves, adapts, contrives to cast
cards schooled to rule through precedent hard, fast,
right brain senses emotivity
which left brain tests with rigour unsurpassed,

Defence cares less for strong notes than key song,
dares more, wears less, won't always string along,
lifts patterns more than sifts, dreams different guise,
wise, judges not disguise as always wrong.

Prosecution hones the Law's harsh bite
pursues relentless all that ever might
present fair play as way lest laxity,
upsets convictions, or conviction's might.

Defence runs fate's dark gauntlet, just finds way
to play for time and execution's stay -
while Prosecution, left, preys on just fight
Defence p[r]ays, fights to fight another day.

One, left brain thinking works through day and night,
the other, right brain, writes of wrongs to right,
would equity extend to free and see
might to its place, replaced with just insight.

Left brain procedures precedents uphold,
this right brain finds restrictive, leaves it cold,
between the two grey matters black and white
draw frontiers firm in court naught caught short sold

When something goes awry, elastoplast
Left tries - to sa[l]ve old bearings overcast,
turns back to drawing board which soon supplies
Left's logic with an answer to forecast.

Right looks aghast at formal plans and strong
Of mice and men - when sounds the final gong
they're often wanting found, ship foundering lies
floundering at the bottom of the klong.

With instinct and experience Left packs
The deal he'd seal to minimise risk's whacks,
while Right deals out the pack which Fate defies,
and wins or loses gambling chips in stacks.

From never rest to Everest Left would climb
intent on proving life's not p[h]antomime,
Right here's more bent upon perspectives vast
which care a dime that climate rhymes with time.

Invectives and opinions firm Left keeps
directive bland or pinions, Right squirms, weeps,
from both the world at any given time
must draw to balance checks from quantum leaps.

Left files sharp claws which both before behind,
attack or self defence, protect the mind
from flux, from change, arranges, irons out
barbed wired impressions orderedly and lined.

Left, from quotations printed fine, consigned,
advances point to point, points proves, aligned
as peas in pod, squad trained beyond all doubt,
avoiding void, vain compromise maligned.

Right‘s rainbow led reflections are declined,
ground ‘neath Left's feet, unsound, seems undermined,
lest consequence from cause risk spirals out,
Left snaps control, traps soul in double bind.

Left limits ‘strange' to context predefined,
lauds conduct clear, to weakness scarce inclined
Reaction not Response its all about,
mind over matter mutters "don't unwind"!

Left seeks respect, tweaks Right who weak he'd find,
inclined to speculations undefined.
Right looks "beyond", towards monde he can scout,
mind over matter mutters "don't be blind"!

Right's polyvalent talents are combined
with "will to know" not "know to will assigned"
Right far and wide, will doubt, conventions flout,
replacing rigid Past with Future kind.

Right colour, contour, context, weighs, inclined
perplexed not vexed by text hex too confined,
not "in" or "out", but context "round about"
not "black" or "white", too tight, rights unresigned.

Right ties rejects which, too long trained, strong twined,
leave insufficient rein when wined and dined,
reigns over networks new which serve, st[r]and out,
deserve attention due, yet undefined.

Left brain firm trains, explains, holds doubt a vice,
‘method' blessed in Prussian terms precise,
Right seeks advice, to ‘When? ' adds ‘Why? ' to try
new ways to ‘scape predestination's vice.

Left th[r]ough due process, orders gives, obeys,
Right resonates, tunes, amplifies, relays,
each finds reach others teach at best suspect,
one phrase defines, one signals waves in phase.

Left, little feeling, thinks on measures, weighs,
Right little thinking, feels for treasured ways,
Each finds fond pleasure through bond interface
The other questions [Left], or, [Right] dismays.

Left comprehends, Right feels, ‘gainst wrong appeals.
Right makes amends where sometimes Left conceals
emotions with a surface self-restraint
Right often feels false travesty reveals.

Left masks emotions - tasks take precedence,
Right damns dam notions, drawing from sixth sense
though complex facts intact, contract's pursued,
Right tact prefers, contacting joys intense.

Left's sense of purpose drives momentum great.
Right's sense convergent helps to integrate,
grateful, what Left too often grates, to bring
perspective spans holistic, to create.

Left's sense of planning point to point links straight.
Right's contradictions often may frustrate,
from straitened circumstances two paths spring
these, well combined, approach perfection's state.

Right brain responds, to redefine its rôle.
Left brain reacts, to reassert control.
Each needs a dose of each to reach the stars
who little care for spins from pole to pole.

Left is the standard cork to bottle wine,
Right has unusual ‘nose' for flavour fine:
together they complete life's kitchen where
one cutler is, one chef, - and so we dine!

One channels to produce pure data streams,
One flannels to seduce, lure, sate her dreams,
thus inspiration gleams through different ways
we chose the dice Fate throws, streamlines extremes.

Invention is the blossom on the tree,
whose scent is innovation - what role we
elect to play is weighed by hand which writes
the score for music that posterity

will use or will abuse, for good or ill,
to chain or free, the Future's dreams fulfill
to mar, or let men Mars and far stars reach,
empower'd by women who will not stand still.

Invention is intention catalyzed,
by role reversal, vistas reapprized,
extension complicated later seen
as simple step towards a goal disguised.

Is "simple step ahead on path disguised"
more than old calculations rerevised?
Once inaccessible, with second-sight
goal gleams through touchstone turned once much despised.

Extension is an option exercized
which counts or counters process organized, -
play with the flow, go tack against tides tight,
examples sample, straight lines exorcized.

Some words were changed in the three stanzas which
proceeded this, the argument to stitch, -
however phrased ‘Invent', ‘Create', refuse
static overviews through toss and pitch.

And yet when innovation spreads its shoots
to sound the ground thought far too dry for roots,
the route is either opened or prepared
as Present, Future, Past, act in cahoots.

Yet Change's stream self-stimulates its flow
from double sources, which together sow
awareness heightened of an interplay
auto-configurated, primed to go

by synchronicity yet not in tandem though
the two may be confused in afterglow
when hindsight's blessing seeks to document
‘invent' and ‘innovation' cameo.

Life can't run on one track, - both sot and sage,
must gear up, intuitions hear, engage,
black, white, replace with bright kaleidoscope,
and [w]ink "I think I think! " upon Life's page.

What matters, and to whom? What gravities
apply when anti-matter equals tease
conundrums which a life-long paradox
entertains until all memories

are atomised upon a karmic breeze,
"blown willy-nilly" till, like honeyed bees,
they bumble on towards a homely hive.
They stumble on till patterns by degrees

from angles wide frame, focus, offer keys
for who between the lines can read, and these
the waft and weft of substance may discern
to draw the line dividing wood from trees.

Both rhyme and reason often are withheld
till time and season ring the changes belled,
and timing is essential where the mind
must funnel forces for tomorrow spelled.

Who would evolve must choose from many doors, -
each offers either fame, or blame, doom draws.
Time twists or tows each current man would seize,
each offers health or wealth, advance or pause, -

The doors are those of inner confidence,
opened not by sitting on a fence,
though ‘Chance' a helping hand can often lend
connecting inklings into solid sense.

But sense is insufficient - those who see
the light with passion work to find a key
to free not freeze mankind, - yet better world
needs no fixed frieze to please the gallery.

What fame is, what is doom, though, who foresees
What choice reject, what opportunities
take for, or take as, granted, intervene
converting wonder into energies

which harness intuitions to complete
a chain of thought whose end few e'er do meet,
combining much intangible to seek
responses which Left's world will help to beat.

Who would advance must, knock on those doors,
imagine links between effect and cause,
must persevere despite cold failure's fears,
warm ice of ignorance until it thaws.

For "Cause", "Effect" combine as on their way
the cusps converge in subtle interplay,
although the watershed important seems
today - tomorrow's dreams may well betray.

Left brain or Right? The one extends the known,
re-engineers and hears hid pattern's tone,
the other changes gears and clears the way
intuitive the former's instincts stone.

Left brain or Right? One concentrates, would own,
the other seems to contradictions prone,
yet both explore for flaw with minds honed keen -
synaptic leaps come cheap, fresh codes to clone.

Right wastes the precious hour "in vain pursuit
of this and that endeavor and dispute; -
better be jocund with the fruitful grape
than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit."

Right too well knows with what "a brave carouse
some made a second Marriage in their house";
"divorced old barren Reason from their bed,
and took the daughter of the vine to spouse."

Yet those who whine, those who wine-dine, one day
will meet like fate, in state with worms to stay,
or earnings urned, or sunk ‘full fathom five'
both trunk or drunk they wake too late to pray!

The Left brain can "with logic absolute
the two-and-seventy jarring sects confute"
Right, sovereign alchemist, may in a trice
Life's leaden metal into gold transmute.

"For Is and Is-not Left with rule and line
and UP-AND-DOWN by Logic does define, "
of all that one should care to fathom, Right
was never deep in abstracts to design.

In all "the seeds of wisdom both would sow",
each with his, her "hand conjurs it to grow":
though this be bitter harvest most must reap -
"I came like Water, and like Wind I go."

Left sizes "Glories of This world" while Right
sighs for the Prophet's Paradise come right,
Left takes the cash, and lets the credit go!
Who'd heed the rumbling distant drum tonight?

And Left who "husbanded the golden grain, "
and Right who "flung it to the winds like rain",
alike to no such aureate earth are turn'd
as, buried once, Men want dug up again."

She, chaste, who s[l]aving pension's rationned crust,
He who chased to waste through greed and lust,
alike must not forget to taste the spice
of life before its root dissolves in dust.

Retirement benefits are left unclaimed
when Death, untimely, Fate's sharp shafts has aimed, -
how much of what remains by fiscal crush
is lost - what cost to generations maimed!

Though Chance unhappy is too often blamed
each makes his bed, together those once famed
for vice or virtue now forgotten lie
beneath the grass where once they, heedless, gamed.

"And we, that now make merry in the room
they left, and summer dresses in new bloom,
ourselves must we beneath the couch of earth
descend - ourselves to make a couch - for whom?

The worldly hope most set their hearts upon
turns ashes - or it prospers; and anon,
like snow upon the desert's dusty face,
lighting a little hour or two - is gone.

We are no other than a moving row
of magic shadow-shapes that come and go
round with the sun-illumined lantern held
in midnight by the Master of the Show;

But helpless pieces of the game He plays
upon this chequer-board of nights and days;
hither and thither moves, and checks, and slays,
and one by one back in the closet lays."

Left brain warp, weft, weaves patchwork into goal
Right links the jump, or jumps the link to bowl
Conformity as patterns into play
may come a dime a dozen, colour soul.

For Right, night brings rich dreams which ring a bell.
For Left, a concept new to master well.
For Right or Left it matters not a jot
if happiness cannot be 'got' as well.

Both high I.Q. and gift of second sight
fail in the scales however smart or bright,
if peace of mind, serenity, none find
to burnish daily bind with inner light.

Yet inner light is what Life's all about,
who cares a curse for economic clout,
as wallets fail but heart which true to self
remains, for cash cares not, can conquer doubt.

Left brain or Right? The one reaps what is sown
remains tenacious, sometimes claims his own
what Right brain stimulates though times be lean,
- one schemes, replaces themes the other's grown.

Left brain or Right? The one retains control,
the latter's best exploring jeux de rôle,
one works his team's ideas, the other teems
with flashes filling ignorance's hole.

Left brain or Right? One works to build the whole
from parts prenumbered or explicit goal,
the other flouts conformity to find
a missing link - and, often, begging bowl.

Fiction, fact, both in their way attract,
Left codifies, can plan, expand, extract,
Right spans apparent contradictions, may
through alchemy free essence pure, intact.

Left brain or Right? Each plays a different pitch
One seeks in process practice best, straight stitch,
the other joys in spontaneity
responds to setbacks with a humour rich.

Left brain or Right? One seeks to ‘know it all'
the other patterns ‘search' itself, whose call
can come from outside past experience -
whence Left draws force for details great and small.

Right feels: "the Idols I have loved so long
have done my credit in this world much wrong:
have drown'd my glory in a shallow cup,
And sold my reputation for a song."

"Indeed, indeed, repentance oft before
I swore - but was I sober when I swore?
And then, and then came Spring, and Rose-in-hand
my thread-bare penitence apieces tore."

Right senses details will themselves in time
from chaos sort themselves, to form a rhyme
which music makes - cacophony may tame, -
Left from fresh heights will ever seek to climb.

Left inches onwards, then momentum gains,
Right finds but slight delight in careful pains,
on tangents travels till the paradox
should solve itself - though paradox remains!

Left seeks through flair and application to
compare, tear up, wear down, and try anew, -
exploring intuitions Right defies
forgone conclusions, greets green pastures new.

For Left might might be right from strong position,
or wrong when Left is left in opposition, -
preconceptions Right feels most unwise -
a state of mind Left thinks through inhibition

is compromise he can't well supervise
if circumstances change, luck turns, surprise
contradicts conditions neatly planned -
while Right, when challenged, loves to improvise.

But what is new? What might we rediscover
which none before could, vigilant, uncover?
What old is there where worlds in parallel
Time's carefree sands join hands to carefully cover?

There is a Door to which Right finds no Key;
There is a Veil through which Left might not see:
each needs the other in Life's partnership
to sail towards sweet serendipity.

While Left excels at logical attack.
Right scouts beyond Life's boring beaten track,
both need autonomy for reasons they
"within the tavern door" poor brains do wrack.

"A Hair perhaps divides the False and True;
Yes; and a single Alif were the clue" -
where Left sorts, grades the angels on a pin
there Right sports, plays about their angles too!

"A hair divides" stark failure from success,
straightjacket from a jacket straight, address
Belgravian from grave where all lies rotten, -
forgotten f[l]ame interred in the process.

Some here there are who daily fly a kite,
who gaily persevere despite those tight
vested interests, opposition to
approaches new, disruptive, which just might

upset their applecart, who find delight
in time-worn stale traditions, empty [w]rite,
reciting litanies to tease not ease
those who would share their gifts, not parasite!

The challenges we all embrace today,
together Left and Right may futures sway; ,
yet now its time for rhyme to help poor male
to understand why women lead the way!

Left brain or Right, man, maid, what difference!
He seeks control - oft at his mate's expense -
While she for him is woman more than whim,
won't rock the boat except in self-defense.

Man thinks ‘I AM because I, man, do rule'
and woman rules through ‘sharing tools' one school
is based on networks while the other would
lose wood for trees, sees not that he's Time's fool!

While he will speak for everything to know,
she'll seek still more, lets life ring true, fill, grow.
One is Left brain, the other Right, yet why
is one left right behind, though more may s[h]ow.

She minds her peace, he gives her piece of mind.
Unkind he stays, strays often, - should she mind?
She's paradise, he's dice parade between
the knots he ties [w]hitch she must then unwind.

She works her shift, he shifts his work to her
He, shiftless, shifty, silky shifts will spur!
He preys on her where she for him would pray, -
Her pay he'd tax where she'd life lax prefer!

She cares for kids, where he kids, cares to rest
before some sport - while she supports the rest,
works both from nine to five and five to nine.
He sports bright ties - light ties prefers the best!

She looks ahead while he, as head, looks on
good looks - which in her book is more than wrong,
regretting grass seems greener through the fence -
defence of dreams is sold short, for a song.

He wields the axe, while she bears forty whacks,
He thinks he wears the trousers though he slacks,
He waxes wroth he ‘needs', she kneeds the wax
fills cracks, unshackles, builds long lasting shacks.

He spares to live, she ever lives to share.
He won't forgive, she blossoms everywhere
needs harmony not tomb to bloom, bear fruit, -
He spi[t]es for wayfare, she, sprite, lights way fair!

He fields the work, while she must work the fields.
She feels the pinch, while he both pinches, feels.
She earns her keep while he her earnings keeps, -
She yields the count, while he, he counts the yields!

He'd lay the rules and rule the lays. Some say
unbalanced are the scales! On Judgment Day,
when all are weighed he's wanting found withal,
while she's a paragon, he's gone astray!

She swears to honour, cherish and obey,
while he of harem dreams, as Pasha, Bey, -
what's worth his plot of earth if one fine day
parthenogenisis may come to stay?

If SHE could autoreproduce or clone,
If SHE the race continued all alone,
what trace would HE retain who, vain, sees end
as master, losing face, to lying prone?

If HE, who least believes, seems set in stone,
If HE, who most receives, leaves self-righteous moan
then Mona Lisa sentence might suspend
and spare the rib that cuts her to the bone.

For Woman is the source, the stream, the flow,
SHE bends where HE may break when strong winds blow,
HE who would rule the cradle seldom takes
sufficient time to nurture Nature, know

that Left needs Right as friend as not as foe,
that Left needs Right to stagger stop and go,
that Left needs Right though Right's rights stimulate
the fear that Right bereft of Left might show

the way to new adventures truly told
which cut the ground beneath clay feet so cold,
and open options that may stake a claim
to true convergency, leave Left short-sold.

For though Left Man will seldom silent fold
his tents for his intents tie li[n]es of gold,
Right Lady seeks to light another flame
Whose spirit need not fail, nor yet grow old.

While HE invents, turns cents to sovereign mold,
SHE innovates, and networks to enfold,
HE's rolled into himself, seeks rich reward
where SHE, life's steward, stays the world from mould.

Still to tomorrow SHE her face will turn,
though HE stays still, will, glancing back, return
to glories past while she fast understands
the need to Present seed not Future burn.

Man's swift to burn those idols once adored,
hard head discards what generations stored
in search of stimulation to fulfill
a mind found wanting, or, through wanting, bored,

man's mate will tune a very different chord,
will read the runes, anticipate and ford
the flood he takes as threat, - for good or ill
will turn the tide and ride for peace restored.

Though some there are who through true flair do float,
and there are some who multicoloured coat
do don few sculpt new arches from the sky,
for rainbow hue may rock, shock logic's boat.

More than before see innovation's speed
increase to meet anticipated need
which interacts in turn as catalyst
to undermine traditions bead by bead.

Where men, grey, race, would not lose face, concede,
there maids may trace, would choose with grace, as reed
to slender bend, true to the end, unkissed
by compromise - a bitter prize indeed!

When tipping point is finally attained,
with Life's entangled web in part explained
those new horizons which seemed clear, when neared,
then reappear as paradox maintained.

Invent, - which votes development sustained
where Innovation, rich, notes bent unreined -
must then in tandem act, trust persevered,
momentum for the common good maintained.

Both strong and weak too long have entertained
a system all admit is overstrained,
if insight fails, if facts miscalculate,
it will be far too late as Fate, unchained,

accelerates beyond our wherewithal
to check, to bargain gaining time, to stall,
if innovation cannot motivate
invention to wide view beyond recall

little may stay of all today held dear.
In social earthquake much may disappear,
the writing on the wall puts second-rate
complacency aside, gaps wide can't cheer.

For those who vote, those voted in to steer
the latter to the former lend an ear
when elections near polls forge give-[s]take,
stay in the dark to doom impending, near

For soon am I tsunami, shall appear
forewarning pale of failings! Loud and clear
environment around the globe may shake
despite spite's politicians insincere

who little heed Earth's thunder till the chips
are down, ground wakes beneath their feet and rips
apart ambitions which won't come to grips
with Nature's sufferance limited, its grips.

Today Man's blind rapacity rewards
those who beat ploughshares into cheating swords, -
perhaps Tomorrow perspicacity
will crust not bust entrust with wise awards.

Man moons explores, redraws the map of space,
finds flaws in much before his hand did trace,
perhaps time-out, return to drawing board,
might ready scene for a more steady pace

where symbiosis, Right and Left help face
a future free from fear of fall from grace,
where Woman is by Man nor spurned, ignored
as if HE could HER talents e'er replace!

"Come, fill the Cup, and" let Inventions swing
towards the visions Innovations sing,
"the Bird of Time has but a little way
to flutter - and the Bird is on the Wing! "

To Right, for hope, adventurers return
To Left, for scope, some, conscientious, turn,
We trust these verses unrehearsed may please,
May set minds' sails on seas free-will will learn.

Some dream their acts, some act their dreams, and here
The reader sees both weakness, strengths, appear
to complement each other - we may work
to integrate all aspects, coded clear.

Enhanced, entranced, entrapped? The coming years
may mete set scene for keen and neat ideas
so each uncovers reach to harmony
to catalyze momentum free from fears.

To "innovention" - phrase coined - we inscribe
Our praise, our prose, to those of female tribe
whose Right brain thinking, lateral nuance,
enrich cold logic to which men subscribe.

One could continue till the cows come home
comparing innovation's coloured foam
to hard-track records which inventions please -
enough! no more! depart! elsewhere to roam!

Lets "leave the wise to wrangle, and with me
the quarrel of the Universe let be:
and, in some corner of the hubbub couch't,
make game of that which makes as much of thee."

"Perplext no more with Human or Divine,
to-morrow's tangle to the winds resign, "
why care if Left or Right take precedence
can common sense true harmony decline!

"Myself when young did eagerly frequent
Doctor and Saint and heard great argument
About invent and innovation though
Most "came out by the same door as in they went."

"Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd"
of Female, Male so learnedly, "are thrust
like foolish prophets forth; their words to scorn
are scatter'd left and right, mouths stopt with dust! "

"Oh, come from old Khayyam, and leave the wise
to talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;
one thing is certain, and the rest is Lies;
the flower that once has blown for ever dies."

So go from old Khayyam, and leave the Lot
of Innovation and Invent forgot!
"A flask of wine, a book of verse, and thou
with bread beneath the bough" would please thee not?

Ah friend, "could you and I with Him conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits, and then
Re-mold it nearer to the heart's desire! "

So if you hold to Left, or Right enfold,
don't to temptation bow, blown hot and cold,
to self stay true, yet toleration show,
ends, means confused steamrolls soul unconsoled.

Though Left and Right in opposition seem,
Like Yin and Yang they're complements, a team
to win the Way which choice may add to voice,
although wicks burn, the turn can pick up steam

To churn ideas discerning chalk from cheese
Avoiding quarrels, splitting hairs or peas, -
No pins, no angels, heads, tails flipped askance -
Play chance degrees, not chance prey by decrees.

As we create conditions for [ex]change
of paradigm, what once seemed out of range, -
or out of court was thought - by signals strong
is caught to show ways we may rearrange

monochromatic patterns weird and strange
into a code that chaos can exchange
for comprehension where no "right" or "wrong"
may man from man or woman more estrange.

Thus through the watershed of Chance or plan
all may advance and man prove true to man,
to ban judgmentmental values from the game
and tame dark forces! From the frying pan

not into fire to jump, or conflicts fan,
but open source new options which then can
prepare with care progression where the flame
of change is channelled, comfort in the van.

Each incarnation, like an iceberg tip,
is evanescent phase of onward trip, -
evaporation cycle spin obeys
as witness to time's superficial skip

from post to post through ghost or phantom grip,
from concrete feet which greet their fated ship
more with mistrust, non-plussed, haze blacks and greys,
than rainbow flow or superficial skip

across the time-zone karmic interlude
between fast, food, aims met or goals mis-cued,
calm, feud, - high, low imagined - as each act
shifts scene from fact through further fact pursued.

Pursuit involves intention to invention
embracing even active intervention
from preconception, stated point of view
whose motto seems too obvious to mention

when "principles" misgivings, apprehension,
may mask or compensate, hold in suspension,
whose motto is "I am, as I pursue"
self-justifying, trying, eases tension.

Right brain through empathy and intuition
evolves paths interactive, seeks fruition
encouraging response and not reaction,
avoiding Left brained parrot style tuition.

Left brain must train fine grained administration,
while Right will highlight sleight, anticipation,
too much of either - trains can't run on time,
or entertain a just emancipation

A dose of each - with neither on probation -
enables evolution, approbation
through moderation seeks a just solution,
avoids extremes of prison, revolution.

"Alike for those who for TO-DAY prepare,
and those that after a TO-MORROW stare,
a muezzin from the tower of darkness cries:
‘Fools! your reward is neither here nor there! '

Ah, make the most of what you yet may spend,
before you too into the dust descend;
dust into dust, and under dust, to lie,
sans wine, sans song, sans s[w]inger and - sans end! "

We trust these quatrains, held up to the light,
have proved instructive, with less bark than bite,
not foundling foundered, fact found sound in sense,
insight packed tight, intense, not sot, rot trite.

May this excursion offer up some keys
beyond its verse-abilites and seize
the opportunity to open doors awhile
to find fresh focus open to degrees.

May this diversion stimulate and please,
yet reap and garner grain not chaff nor tease,
more substance keep than superficial style
while laughing at our own absurd…ditties.

Edward Fitzgerald Rubaiyat: http: //www.arabiannights.org/rubaiyat/index2.html

22 March 2003,22 April 2005,26 December 2006


Author NOTES

Link to Edward Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

The first effective 'generation' of this composition 'saw the light' so to speak when I was invited to give a conference on the future of the Internet following on from contributions as Rapporteur for the UNESCO NGO Forum for the World Summit on the Information Society. It was a highly challenging experience to be one of four male speakers among almost 40 female speakers at the 2003 Global Womens Inventors & Innovators Network Conference www.gwiin.com

Frustration stemmed from the effective absence of any debate on the subject of the differences between Innovation and Invention during the entire conference itself.

Apart from the introduction and the conclusion the poem is divided into two interdependent parts, the first focalizing on Left/Right brain thought modes, and the second concentrating more on the ways in which these differences impact Male/Female interactions and the consequences thereof.

Anyone interested in a more readable copy kindly IM email me jonathanrobin@messagerie.net as the Rubaiyat quotations and different left/right brain 'highlights' are themselves highlighted in blue and green to afford more accessible readings.

For those who have taken time and trouble to read thus far and are interested in numbers or statistics
Rubaiyat of Invention and Innovation c.6175 words
c.9% 570 words quotations from Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat
c.26% 1605 words Right brain and/or assimilated female characteristics
c.27% 1655 words Left brain and/or assimilated male characteristics

Jack Sprat 15 January 2012

This is another one of my favorites of yours, Jonathan. As for the moving picture of the woman considering perspective - it seems we all spin in such circles at times, instead of moving forward into the light of the setting sun. As always, you leave much for your readers to absorb and contemplate, long after the reading is done. Your level of genius, dedication to the arts, efforts in producing & presenting such magnificent feats of literature have long left me in awe. Go ahead & show off your intellect as much as you choose to do. There are many of us who are constantly astounded by your talents & skills

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Roshni D'Souza 07 March 2009

The title initially got my attemtion, but I didn't think I could actually read the whole thing online. But after the first 4 stanzas, I was hooked and ended up printing it out to read. Managed to get through it amid of a myriad of mundane necessities that need to be done with re: to home and work. I am certainly not smart enough to make any kind of educated comment on it, but I gleaned from it so much more than I ever did in any of my college neurology/neurorehab courses. It might be an interesting way to look at how a left/right brain stroke affects behavioral outcomes/symptoms, etc. It also seemed to be a true labour of love. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will definitely do so again!

1 1 Reply
Ashraful Musaddeq 27 August 2008

Wonderful job you have done. I salute you and 10 for this.

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