Real Loved: Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Real Loved:

Real love don't happened its happened
once in a lifetime a life that worth a wait
a purpose that never meet his heart can't
be reach to be open the hope to be his bride
the wish of hope for so long through a silent
prayer above the heaven pray to God for a sigh
of answer caused his the right place which the real
pure loved existing the real meaning
in your life he completely you life
it was a bless how God send him to you
the piece of pure heart that you given with
the true and said it many times before you loved
him the only right place where you heart felt
the real secure

Its take time to recover the hole that can't
be seen through his eyes but you know how to read
through him, his heart the pride which you swallow
for so long tears of pain, which you given up
the pleasure of hurts wounds inside
calm in silent of tears its almost made you left
without a words of trace apart of distance almost
lead no way, as the heart isn't sensible

Real love don't happen just like that
the last real love you ever give by the heart
that can never be touch by no one young love
grow stronger the only right place of happiness
existing within you is him the secure that has
a sense of meaning you give your values through
your heartbeat with the pure

It easy to be pure through the heart through the
words you said, never seem to be repaid in the
same way even the swallow of pain which bury
inside self-sacrificing everything for him
but he can't see it clear through his eyes of
his heart

The misses meant to dissolved real loved
some how kisses and the hugs fade some how
felt so distance, its funny how other
get so inspiration through you how they used
to play a bullet through you

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