Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko Poem by Qiniso Mogale

Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko

Rating: 4.8

Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko
Remembering an icon of the struggle
Remembering the epitome of the struggle
Remembering a selfless leader
Remembering the Black Consciousness leader
Remembering a leader worthy of remembrance
Remembering a leader worthy of remembrance.

Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko
Remembering his courage
Remembering his sacrifice
Remembering his wisdom
Remembering his integrity
Remembering his dignity
Remembering his magnanimity
Remembering his role in history
Remembering his honor.

Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko
Remembering a proud African
Remembering a proud black man
I'm sure he seats in the company of other
great leaders in the world beyond the grave
He sits with Martin Luther King
He sits with Nelson Mandela
He sits with Kwame Nkrumah
He sits with Jomo Kenyatta
He sits with Julius Nyerere
He sits with Patrice Lumumba
He sits with Walter Sisulu
He sits with Albert Luthuli
He sits with Chris Hani
To mention but a few great leaders.

Sunday, September 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: modern
Mario, Lucien, Rene Odekerken 17 September 2017

Beautiful poem Qiniso Great people like Biko will never be forgotten. For his legacy will live forever. on Thank you for sharing Mario Odekerken

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Kumarmani Mahakul 17 September 2017

Remembering an icon of the struggle, who is the epitome is a nice task of course. Remembering Stephen Bantu Biko is a great tribute. Interestingly drafted poem is shared here.10

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Qiniso Mogale

Qiniso Mogale

Dvokolwako Swaziland
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