Remembering What It Looks Like Poem by Jim Yerman

Remembering What It Looks Like

I was observing a grandfather and his granddaughter watching a sunset
when I heard the granddaughter's voice declare…
"Pick me up Grandpa…pick me up…
I want to see what it looks like from up there! "

There is an innocence possessed when we're children
that makes us see the world a little differently…
Everything is brand new and wonderful…
and we are amazed by all that we see…

Eventually, however, we grow up…but do you ever wonder…what is the cost?
For it seems the more we see of the world around us…
a little more of our innocence is lost.

We're no longer innocent children…seeing the world a little differently.
Everything is familiar and common to us now…
and we're not as amazed as we used to be.

But we can be…we only have to think back to when we were children
close our eyes for a moment and trust…
in the innocence and wonder of childhood
and when we open our eyes…they'll adjust.

We'll begin to notice things we long ago forgot were there…
"There's some much beauty all around us! " we'll exclaim.
And as long as our eyes remain focused
the world will never again look the same…

And it's likely the next time we're watching a sunset
Any time…any place…anywhere…
we'll sit close to the ground…and we'll smile
as we remember what it looks like from down there.

Monday, July 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood ,innocence
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