Remembering Together Poem by Jim Yerman

Remembering Together

It was the first happy/sad moment in your daughter's young life…one all parents fear…
Her first birthday after her Grandma died…when her mom suddenly noticed her tears.

"I understand what you're feeling." Her mom said, "because I am feeling it too."
Then she took her hand and said…"Come with me…I want to talk to you."

They took a walk together…just the two of them…hand in hand…
with her mom hoping she could find a way to help her daughter understand.

"Love is a strange and beautiful emotion." She said. "You learn as time goes by
how our love for a person can make us laugh…and when they're gone can make us cry."

"You will find throughout your life on special days like today…or at random moments memories of Grandma will appear…which will make you feel happy as you remember her…but sad that she's not here."

"When those memories of Grandma find you…they'll usually catch you off guard…
and though the memories are happy…they can make a moment feel a little sad and lonely and hard."

"That's why days like today will always be filled with a mix of emotions…it's inevitable because your heart…will always be happy to remember the times you were together… and be sad that you're apart."

"But time has a way of soothing the heart…you'll find over the years…
you're memories of Grandma will be filled with much more laughter and, trust me,
a few less tears."

"And we have something special…we are lucky…you and I.
We can help each other remember the laughter…those times we want to cry."

"I'll make a deal with you when it comes to joy."
Mom said emphatically and with aplomb…
I'l help you remember Grandma's….
if you help me remember Mom's."

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