Reminders Poem by Glen Kappy


Rating: 5.0

A man I know—
more than an acquaintance
perhaps not quite a friend—
had a heart attack two weeks ago—
"out of the blue, " no prior warning—
and was laid up in the hospital
for several days.

This morning as is usual
my passwords let me in.
But recently my panic rising
my fingers tapped and tapped
the keys that seemed the same
that always worked before—
would I be barred forever? !

Our granddaughter—
position prominent
in the home that is our hearts—
the light of our affection on her—
I cannot/must not think
if tragedy struck as tragedy does
for all of us in time.

What does it take
to make us grateful? —
for another day
for everything "normal"
for the loved ones near
we take for granted—
what does it take?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: granddaughter,grandfather,grandmother,grateful,heart,panic,people,thankfulness,tragedy,tragic
Laurie Van Der Hart 25 October 2017

The fragility of human life... So precious, so easily gone. I'm glad no tragedy has struck you, Glen. I had a panic moment just yesterday. What if...? Thanks for another good reminder.

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Glen Kappy 26 October 2017

you're welcome, laurie, and thanks for your comment. for me, and i would guess for you, the shutter briefly opened to reveal our vulnerability is a reminder that our lives our God's. -glen

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Kumarmani Mahakul 25 October 2017

Morning is the password that opens the day. A grandfather is affectionate to all of his grandchildren and keeps affection. This is a brilliantly penned poem...10

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Glen Kappy 25 October 2017

thank you, kumarmani. i appreciate you following my poetry. i made some changes to this poem almost immediately after posting it—that happens with me sometimes. i hope you find the changes still warrant your brilliantly penned. if not, i welcome the feedback. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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