Resisting The Urge Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Resisting The Urge

Time to blow it up.
Smack it out of the park.
Giving up the habit.
A substitute to relieve the stress.
A nasty bit of business I confess.
But out of the darkness.
Comes the light.
A selfish act.
Yes it's about me, after all it's my body.
A soul is attached.
Slowly committing suicide every single day.
Bare witness to the ultimate strength.
Letting go of the addiction, the affliction.
It's about time.
It's unending rhyme.
The blind leading blind.
And to think I might save a dime.
Using these walls I built in my mind to avoid pain in a different way.
Choking myself out.
It has to stop.
A disappointment in oneself.
A challenge to the way I live my life.
A vital and important choice.
Quelling that screaming voice.
The fiend is back again and again.
Begging for one more score.
A plight I abhor.
Healthy living with a healthy appetite.
It's has a certain appeal.
Determining what can be real.
Allowing my self heal.
Oh oh, I can breath again.
And the air is so fresh crisp and clean.
Just taste the autumn breeze.
Putting the very last one out.
Tomorrow I know I won't be right.
But it's important to rise to the challenge before me and ignore the urge to self destruct by giving in to impulses an ease of access.

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