Rise Of The Right Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Rise Of The Right

Rating: 5.0

We head for a sticky runnel
the Right is not right
and at the end of the tunnel
I see no light!

Don't we find the rise
of the far right?
we grise!

In Italy
Giorgia Meloni,
though she changed
many political attires,
strived to claim
(and denounce
at the same breath)
the political heirship
of Benito Mussolini,
is already in power.

In Israel
Itmar Ben Guir
leader of Religious
Zionist Party
is set to share power
with the leftist
Likud Party of
Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the US
Ron Desantis,
Governor of Florida,
more Trumpian
than Trump himself,
an anti-woke
anti-elite and
aspires candidacy
in 2024.

I grise
I shudder
for, Far Right
is no right at all.

Friday, November 25, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: people power
Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 December 2022

Liked this poem. So analytical, informative, timely and very interesting. A poem crafted with wit. To my favorites.

1 0 Reply

As a communist, born and formed in Marxist ideologies, I can only hope that democracy survives the incessant onslaught from the dictators who usurp power in the name of Communism, Religion or so-called ‘democracy' which is actually "Mobocracy".

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 December 2022

Politicians can change their colors in just a blink of an eye. A brilliant take on the intricacies of politics and the nature of politicians.

1 0 Reply

Mobocracy rules. So do ‘moneycracy' and hypocrisy. When I see this, I shudder, but I fight. But, as of today, I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Thank You, Rose.

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Meloni is a chameleon. Most of the far right are. Please see how many colours Itmar Ben Guir has attired. And how many les make the devils called Trump, Modi and Hitler, the mobocratics"

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Nosheen Irfan 27 November 2022

Interesting and informative. Sometimes I guess left is right. We see more humanity in leftists.

3 0 Reply

My gratitude to you. Nosheen. It really makes me happy that you could muster time to read my poems. And to share your thoughts on them. I am obliged, Nosheen.

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I am so happy, Nosheen, reading your note.

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I am a communist, right from my younger days. But the problem is that whoever swear by Marx today, are core capitalists and can even be called fascists and they indulge in large-scale corruption and nepotism. The dictators in China, North Korea et al They are not communists.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 26 November 2022

This poem deserves more than the 5 Stars above, myriad more! My comment will come soon, dear Poet. This is an amazing read

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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