Rise Up President Macron, Rise Up! (Poem For French President Emmanuel Macron) Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Rise Up President Macron, Rise Up! (Poem For French President Emmanuel Macron)

When every country votes for it's President
every citizen awaits with hopes galore
every eye blinks with confidence anew
trusting that dreams they hold within their pupils
their President will make them come quite true;
they want nothing more or anything less
those people who have voted look for only public miracles
they want unemployment and recession to go
they want better social security and welfare for sure
they want economic development and their country's prosperity
and they expect just one man called the President to do all these;
they want no wars, no enemies, no terror-attacks
they want love, peace and unity in France as always and forever
they expect their President to rise up, shine
and turn around the crisis that shake their homes and hearts;
they want their President to make their country a place
filled with strength of liberty,
filled with bonds of fraternity
filled with respect for humanity
filled with equality and justice
between men and mankind
between leaders and nations.
So, rise up Macron, rise up
to those expectations of your people;
rise up to your own promises to France
and make this world a much better place to exist on.

Rise Up President Macron, Rise Up! (Poem For French President Emmanuel Macron)
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