Run Away Love Poem by Thomas Duncky

Run Away Love

Rating: 5.0

Let’s run,
away from gazes that declare us
Beauty and the beast.

Let’s run my love,
to a place where the grass is greener and nobody can see us.
Let’s be invisible to the eye that looks us through,
and be visible to the all seeing eye alone.

Let’s run,
away from mouths that speak ill of us.
To a place where nobody gossips about us
for we will be two intertwined love birds.

Let’s hurry my love,
away from everybody
in the silent night, to a place where our fresh bodies can speak to each other,
in a language that only two can understand.
Where your tender lips can whisper into my ear words I longed for.
Where your breasts can flat on my bear chest,
and moaning can be heard.

Let’s run my love,
and never come back.

Leria Hawkins 27 February 2012

Hi Saint Thomas...I wanted to dropp in a read your poetry in appreciation for the very kind comments you posted on my poems. I'm glad I did...this is lovely, full of passion, hinged with romance....fine writing...I'll be sure to add you to my favorites' list and look for you often. Thanks again for your comments, they are always appreciated. Kind Regards....Leria

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Nene Brock 19 July 2011

good job thomas this is great i love it: }

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