Sara And Shallot Poem by Sara Here

Sara And Shallot

Am I like you shallot?
Living in your same lot
Trivial feelings and doubt
Are mingled and set apart
I’m living a desperate love
Which I can’t declare or tolerate so much
Because I am an Arab such
Stories are not allowed to match
Except with a great grant from above

Shallot I have your mirror too
In which we saw those guys in blue
Mine is totally different in two
As a Muslim I thought he will subdue
I believed he will truly act
He will never leave me to die
For his love was not a big lie
I ‘m willing to die but it won’t belie
For we are Muslims we should mate

God I know I have his Love
With You I will survive
I will have him in God I believe
He will be my lot no more grieve
I will be his true life and mate
His love and wife will foretell
Peace to a world which will feel like hell
Peace will release from wars that befell
Pray for us later I’ll relate our fate

A cheerful fate I hope
For in his love I crop
Everysingle second and drop
Tears before my mob
Asking I answer pray my Lord
To let my torment be lost
Lose my sufferings and my love to last
Crops of sufferings will vanish I will eat
Happy for my lot thanks Heaven I’m loved

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