Say Goodbye In Pink Satin Poem by Susan Lacovara

Say Goodbye In Pink Satin

Rating: 3.5

Say goodbye
In pink satin
A schoolgirl grown
Now gone
Her hair of blonde
Time twirled with gray
She slips away
As did our days
Of dance and sash
Pink satin flash
My memory stepped
In sepia stories
Shared in a vessel
A ship of fools
Tied to the dock
Of yesterday's dreams
Watching sunsets
We'd never recapture
Believing then, we'd live forever
In the disco music melodies
We hummed in perfect harmony
And making waves where ever
We thought to cast our lines
Out of sight, yes
Out of mind, no
We flip through the dog-earred
Photo album pages
To find our young tanned faces
Without the wrinkles of worry
In the gaity of gravity
Still On our side
The details colors that painted
Our mural of friends
Ever slightly now fades pale
Pink satin.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: death
(03/04/14) For gave us a friendship that in death cannnot be erased. To those summer (daze) , anchored in joy, East Hampton, Long Island...on the amazing JUST US tour...Oh and how we did sail! Tie on your bandana, lift up a cocktail with Joseph and Bonnie, 'Til we meet again on the other side of the sun, Dom and I will continue to steer the ship in PEACE.
Violet Winters 07 March 2014

Sounds like you lost a good friend, Susan. I am so sorry to hear that.: (I loved this. Makes me think of carefree teenage summers with the closest of girlfriends. She was lucky to have you. You were lucky to have her.

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Anthony Burkett 05 March 2014

Very wonderful tribute to a friendship... bittersweet in its remberances... the escense of loving... well done poet... I tip my hat to this one... And yes... they are all there... on the other side of the sun... waiting for our arrival... and then all will be well again...

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Karen Sinclair 04 March 2014

this dear lady had me in tears immediately took my to my youth with my sisters (one whom i shall nver hear again say my name as only she could) cant stop crying its beautiful just saw author notes....sorry for your loss too but what lovely memories we hold for them till we meet again...

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