Seasons Coming, Seasons Falling Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Seasons Coming, Seasons Falling

Rating: 5.0

Summer, winter, spring and fall, seasons coming,
seasons falling into the nothingness of your death,
holding nothing to look forward to again in this
earthly life.

Completing your journey without my presence, leaves
me crying, standing at the ocean's edge, waves crash-
ing over me, a tiny particle of life now no longer
having a reason for being or staying here.

Strength waning daily, mind in pieces, scattered
about within my heart, shards cutting me incessantly.

Feeling the insatiable desires of your life no longer
brings any peace or happiness to me, for your life
has been taken somewhere.

Not allowed to follow you, filling me with your sad-
ness, crying my heart out into an ocean filled with
my tears.

Salted waves continually crashing over and over me,
no compassion being shown, just a passing thought to
touch my mind for moments in time.

Nothing more given, lonely, bereft traveling through
life with a forsaken and abandoned heart, no fault of
yours my dear.

Death is the culprit that has separated us from one
another, loving and hurting, wanting you beside me,
walking into my future, emptied of love and everything
that you were to me in life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Cui Gya 06 September 2024

夏、冬、春、将到的秋,季节落入你的死亡虚无,你不必再对尘世有何期待 你的旅程不再有我的陪伴,而我站在海边,独自泣然, 海浪向我袭来,此刻生命的微粒不再是谁的存有或停留 日渐形消,思离念碎,落于心中,那些碎片不断地将我刺痛 那些想的念的你的生命再也带不来,我的岁月静好,你已被冥界带走 无法随你而去的我,填满了悲伤,泪水化成洋 咸水它不停地一浪又一浪,情不留人间,一瞬之念,击溃心弦 这无以复加的无助、孤独,让我的余生,心如被遗,亲爱的,这并非你的错 死亡最是祸首,它让我们阴阳两隔,爱与伤,多想你在我的身旁 走进来日,没有你, 爱成空 ,一切都成空

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Cui Gya 06 September 2024


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Cui Gya 06 September 2024

I'v made a music-recite-video edition for this poem that I am obsessed with texts

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