* Sensual- (Haiku) Poem by Jim Norausky

* Sensual- (Haiku)

Rating: 3.2

Warm air's gentle flow

Contours silk dress hugging curves

He notices her.


Really nice.says it all.i write haiku, too.gave you a ten...

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Sandra Fowler 03 April 2009

Provocative, but charming. A quality Haiku from a quality poet. Warm regards, Sandra

1 1 Reply
Tsira Goge 03 April 2009

Very touchingly..10... Tsira

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Susan Williams 05 March 2016

Sensual. The sensual feel of warm air gently caressing the skin, cold air cannot do that [brrrrrr], hot air makes us uncomfortable [seeking the relief of an AC], warm air [just right, like the warmth of a lover's breath]. Sensual. Indeed yes, the way silk dresses cling here, move there, hug those curves. We women know how to wear the things that whisper to men. Sensual. Ha! I had to giggle at the understatement. Yes, I'm sure he noticed her. Probably could tell you the color of her eyes while he was at it! Enjoyed this haiku, Jim.

4 1 Reply
Jayatissa K. Liyanage 31 January 2016

A sensational poem of highest sensuous quality, appealing to sensuality of sensational beings. A piece of a gem. X

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Rachel Butler 28 October 2009

'Warm air's gentle flow' Rachel Ann Butler

1 1 Reply

This is certainly sensual. I can imagine the hugging curves and the atmosphere you have created with so few words. He notices her and I have noticed how well you have written this. 10 Karin Anderson

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Mel Vincent Basconcillo 22 April 2009

a sensual poem this is..great imagination! fine write!

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