She... Poem by Dislocated Heart


She calls me her tiger..
she calls me her babe..
she calls me her love..
she calls me.. baby..
she calls me.. her dork..

she is my ducky,
she is my loopy sweetie.
she is the best friend a guy can find...

We've given each other nicknames ever since we've met each other..
she fell in love with me during the summer..
my ex denied.. kept her and I far from each other..
I didnt believe she could like me..
we dont talk a lot..
maybe once a week..
but she fell for me..
12 midnight..
I've receive a txt..
she tells me she loves me..
I didnt kno what I could've said.

I knew I fell for her..
but I didnt realize till she spoke the words out loud.
she calls me every night..
just to say hi..

we both went out with others..
but at the end..
our hearts always seem to be in the same place.
she never lies to me..
I never lie to her..
kinda perfect?

I feel more comfortable talkin to her.. than anyone..
even tho, I dont kno her on a more personal level..
we know everything random bout each other.

I kno what words make her smile..
what I say that makes her giggle..
I kno what I can tell her to give her butterflies.
I kno what she loves to do at night..
the songs she is obsessed with..
and almost everything else..

She calls me hers....

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