Simple Plan Poem by D.N. Rebb

Simple Plan

This ain't no common occurrence
Respect was so much clearer once
Feel we all need to arm ourselves
Our weapons right beside their shells

Let's think this through again, my friend
Peace over war, I recommend
Nice smiling faces, check it out
Future's unsung, without a doubt

Yet the world will stick to conflict
Over all the trouble we picked
They say we love democracy
From all fools lurks some honesty

Disadvantaged adolescents
Sedative antidepressants
Fellowship, so full of friction
Remember President Nixon?

We could ignore, or terminate
Whose skilled hands entertain that fate?
Run, if you only hear echo
‘I love you', your final memo

So check out all the old manuscripts
Oft' end on some apocalypse
With promises of finer days
Once your troubled soul's been appraised

Try not to get lost in the crowd
Frontline brothers would be so proud
Is it a march or a protest?
Yet these words still go unnoticed

Go hug a pro-partisan now
Make final victory your vow
Whoever the enemy is
Send ‘em off with a lethal kiss

If you still have an active voice
Now is the time to make some noise
The truth will come clearly in view
As a permanent etched tattoo

This fear will be with you always
Don't forget to pray that Sunday
Little by little, we'll get through
With unspoiled love to pursue

Mental anxiety is real
Alcohol assists to conceal
Why deviate from openness?
The shrink's affirmed you're just depressed

Then someone asks if we should stop
Kinder mottos we should adopt
Could this boost our attention span?
Hadn't thought of such simple plan

M. Asim Nehal 23 May 2024

Terse. Simply brilliant. ****

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