Sinestar: Faceted Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Sinestar: Faceted

I just don't own homes or plan to homes for no reason. Purpose has always been in our cultures since we was given indigenous human bodies to make artifacts so our world can see the reasons why and what and where and how sometimes though which is your choice and ultimately your decision. I was taught posthumously to the mindset to be equal and sow, I became an Equalizer to present carat summaries which can be broken down into aspects to be graphed according to your knowledge known or unknown. Born into Cherokee and Vodun traditions, I got the opportunity to observed the Riddum, which i learned how to freeze students On sight as they circulation continued sow did my mini-lectures per degree. Aspirants burn off irritants while increasing span of attention more than a track of a average played american got tah point exactly as this be no gimmick or no riddle tah none of them middles. I study Benjamin Banneker and he in turn improve my acute and obtuse visions coupling ivy league collegiate professional business administrating my own corporation financially past Maturity. As a intermediate Surveyor i don't bee busy crossing boundaries which don't need to be crossed; and yes many be pages of the lost characterized with forever tah lose. Them fools was given the flu with a needle in they arms for the cure; while me and mine were given the knowledge and wisdom from Root Doctors and Shamans. Instrumentation of nature plays a tune not heard in the raw form of the entity whole. So you can conclude with a Ancestral spiritual chant of greatness tah Vodun way and Native way I as Soul has no face although realness of tribal phenotype feature East tah West hemispheric Roots of my genetical face. And no i ain't of no race though i do race against my last times like an epitome ablaze shaping form as a being who cannot stop achieving I sparked from flammable resources unrecognizable Young Ancestor that is him. And why must a loco-ignorant dis a tribe they don't know none about? Fore the life of their diminishing breath even they don't know and that's why i stay on point with my nieces and future nephews plus cousins as each has their own coordinates we have tah apply and we keeping motivated. And people see stars as told to em but me and mine don't get wowed as we be seeing seasons of the aftermath to come with the spiritual reasons of why we count staying high on reality as a Soul while them human beings stay high and drugged from liquids and sexually insanity producing amusements for their own funeral of laughters and only gasping once they casket close alone. They should have known they body was only a clone and no Soul is the same unless they suicidal to they brain demostrated slitting they wrist to feel they own hit list chit. And i be not the one cause i got the forefront to prove information technology can help me rent my homes under tiny clusters to major clusters of lit astronomical entities legit and too proper tah eva quit bit by bit and them bats who stay uplifted in the skies at night know this (echoing) ....

and i got my own kords called Cherokee Akan Ewe with no musical sheets of western following my Ancestors while creating or Branching off from the whole entire Tree and many don't be knowing how to Survey above sow below as haste makes waste and so why would i own a home above ground in Tornado Alley USA? Makes no sense to Benjamin Banneker so you know buying a home in Tornado Alley above ground would not make any sense to me. And check out Bayyinah Bello....
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