So Many Questions Poem by Jim Yerman

So Many Questions

On a morning walk gazing at the stars as they hover in the sky…I thought, when it comes my time to meet my creators, I'm going to ask them why.

In truth, it's going to take some time because I have a million questions why…
Like why are there stars, a moon…a sun…why is there even a sky?

Why did they design the giraffe's neck to be so long and sleek and lean…
Why are dolphins always smiling? Why do sharks always look so mean?

Why are there 4 seasons….why don't elephants ever forget?
Why did you make a sun that rises every morning only in the evening to make it set?

Why do some animals walk, swim, hop or fly while snakes just slither on the ground?
Why did you create some animals that never make a sound?

Why did you create colors…all those different tints and hues?
Why did you make trees green and the oceans, seas and rivers blue?

Why did you create so many different flowers?
Why does the ocean need the shore?
Why can't I swim like a dolphin…or like an eagle…soar?

Why are spider webs so beautiful no matter where they're hung…
Why do pets, like dogs and cats, have to die so very young.

And while I have the creators ears…perhaps I'll take the chance
to ask them what they were thinking creating mosquitos, cockroaches and ants?

I have many more questions to ask, I'll say.
after they give these answers to me…
to which I'm sure they'll smile and say…
no problem…we have all of eternity

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