Something Old Friends Know Poem by Jim Yerman

Something Old Friends Know

It is a universal truth that time moves onward…hour by hour…day by day
flowing in but one direction…stopping for no one along the way.

The time that's measured by our clocks marches forward…absolutely
The time that ages our bodies…advances resolutely.

But there is a countenance of time that plays by a different set if rules
defying the lessons, the information, the things we were taught in school.

It's when old friends get together…for no matter how much time's amassed
in that moment they are young again…as if no time has passed.

There is a wrinkle in the time continuum…a wrinkle all friends know
allowing them to immediately pick up from where they left off years ago.

It matters not how much they've aged…if they are old and grey…
for the moment they get together…the years between them fall away.

And though it goes against the laws of nature…and occurs without reason or rhyme…
they begin to feel younger…as they travel back in time.

They feel blessed time has has allowed
to relive old joys and smiles
Blessed as time journeys ever onward
she has paused for them a while.

Saturday, January 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: friends,friendship
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