Song: In The Land Of The Brave Poem by Dave SmithWhite

Song: In The Land Of The Brave

In the land of the brave:
Mass shootings, more knaves.
In the home of the free:
A new killing spree.
In the land of the gun,
Where murder is done.
In the land of the brave,
No-one is safe.

In the land of the word:
Of misfits and fools.
Where no-one is trusted,
To play by the rules.
In the land of the loud,
All talk at once;
To stand out from the crowd:
A proud bigot and dunce.

Is this true freedom or a comforting meme?
Human rights - do we need 'em? 'Cause we've got a dream.
In the home of the free and the land of the brave:
Is this not a kingdom of the master and slave?

In the land of the brave:
There's the racist conclave.
Full of wizards and dragons,
The rude and unshaved.
In the land of the brave;
In the home of the free.
The rich are depraved,
With the rest all at sea.

In the land of the brave,
We hide in our caves.
From the wrath of our fellows,
With their pitchforks and staves.
In the land of the brave,
It's safety we crave;
Lest we turn into jello,
In our gated enclaves.

The columns are crumbling at the dome's architrave;
Does Mr. Lincoln roll in his grave?
Why does this freedom reside with the brave,
When so few are welcomed and so few are saved?

In the land of the brave,
And the home of the free.
The fear comes in waves,
As we take the knee.
In the land of the brave,
We pray to our god;
If we misbehave,
We are given the nod.

In the land of the brave,
What rights should we waive?
Who are the icons,
We should place in our nave?
In the land of the brave,
What road shall we pave,
With the best of intentions,
And on our heart be engraved?

In the land of the brave:
In a constant refrain.
The rant and the rave,
Is that pain entertains.
In the land of true lies,
That compete with the fake.
We are deaf to the cries:
We've made a fatal mistake!

Saturday, March 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: patriotism
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