Sonnet: 2 - Love Poem by Amitava Sur

Sonnet: 2 - Love

Love is a desire, it is to admire
Love is a fire, a devil may care.
Love is an addiction, very seductive
Love is possessive, it is compulsive
Love is selfish, very sensitive.
Love is absorbing, it’s very squeezing.

Love is a freedom, like flying in a space ship
Love is way beyond … the need, trust and friendship
Love is a fire – fly, it burns all.
Love is a dichotomy, it confuses all.

Oh’ my Lord, the creator of all
Why did you beget us this love at all

Love can make, love can break
It is up to you, as how you negotiate.
Amitava (28.10.2012)

POET'S NOTES ABOUT THE POEM But please, try to know what is love.
Roseann Shawiak 18 April 2014

Love is many things to different people, Depending on their perceptions of love taught by their parents when very young. That is where we get our ideas on love and what it is. If our parents love is broken, we end up with a slanted view of love and can spend a lifetime looking for true love while always choosing the wrong person to love. Yes, love can make you strong or break you in two and leave you wounded and weak from it all. Without trust and friendship we have no bond to another in love. Thank you for this wonderful poem, Amitava. RoseAnn

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Heather Wilkins 29 September 2013

excellent poem on love. A serious emotion love can make, love can break so true.

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Patricia Grantham 24 September 2013

A very good discourse on love. Love here explained with clear understanding. I adore the lines Oh! my Lord the Creator of all. Why did you beget this love at all. God is love! Best regards on this poem. Sounds like you wrote the dictionary on love. (smile)

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