Spiritual Shortcomings, Historically Speaking Poem by Cheryl Lynn Moyer Peele

Spiritual Shortcomings, Historically Speaking

Rating: 5.0

The first deadly disgusting behavior
Pontified in the fifth century
by Pope Gregory the Great
was predictably punishable in hell
by being broken upon the wheel.
Pride goeth before

Lust, the second deadly sin
in descending order of seriousness,
of the seven offenses against love itself.
Avarice guaranteed the sinner perpetual
dunking in freezing water, while Anger
would cause one to be dismantled alive.

Suffering from Sadness (or Slothfulness)
would find an eternal bed of snakes. Avarice
(or Greed) victims were showered
with cauldrons of boiling oil. The Gluttonous
were fed rats, toads and hissing snakes. While
the lustful amongst us were merely smothered
in everlasting fire and brimstone.

Salvation, by way of the seven contrary virtues
delivered souls to heaven above.
These counteractions were guaranteed by
Humility against Pride
Chastity against Lust
Kindness against Envy
Abstinence against Gluttony
Patience against Anger
Liberality against Greed
Diligence against Sloth

Worthiness of redemption could also be purloined by a designated
tithe to the local medieval priest. “Good Works” as well, entered
into the confessional equation for eternal forgiveness:
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Give shelter to strangers
Clothe the naked
Visit the sick
Minister to prisoners
Or bury the dead.

Authors Note: Regardless of these noble altruistic behaviors, (which usually occur late in life) , I would hope eternal rewards exclude the unrepentative, immoral, shiftless, self-gratifying, good-for-nothing, arrogant shits, that continue to profit in the commercialization and packaging of death by sin.


If you had only posted the Author's Note I'd have given this a 10. It's an erudite and well-composed and well-thought out work.... superb. t x

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Cheryl Lynn Moyer-peele 31 December 2007

Cheryl - That is the way to Go! ! ! ! LOL! I love this poem Cheryl. What a way in which to hurl in the new year! Tell everyone I say hello, and that I send much love. Willie James King

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