Spoken In Silence Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

Spoken In Silence

I finally reached the point where I had had enough!
I was angry; God was no longer speaking to me as he had in times past.
I had prayed so often and felt as though heaven was deaf.
I needed to hear from the one who had all the answers;
The wise one who for some reason seemed to be ignoring me.

I was disappointed, frustrated and confused.
I thought, “Surely, God cares, doesn’t he? ”
So, I decided to take a walk, cool off a bit and ponder my situation at last.

As I walked along, I saw a maple tree swaying;
I could hear the wind whistling through its branches.
Soon, I found myself at the edge of the ocean watching the tide come in and out.
I paused and listened to the sound of the waves whooshing, slapping upon
The beaches.

Turning to leave, I felt warm sunrays beaming down upon my face.
I spotted several small children playing in the sand;
I heard them laughing as I walked by.

Heading toward the park, my eyes became fixed on
The beautiful, colorful flowers. My ears caught the unmistakable sound,
The buzzing of busy little honey bees as they darted from petal to petal,
Flying all around.

My eyes caught a cloud as it moved above my head.
Looking up, I noticed in a branch of an oak tree
From which came the cheerful chirping of a nest
Full of hungry little birds, longing to be fed.

In a less than pleasant state of mind,
I sprawled out under that tree on a soft mat of luscious spring grass.
Closing my eyes, I felt my heart beating.
Lying still, I could hear it in rhythm thumping.

On my return home, I decided to pray again.
“God, I have asked you to break the silence,
To let me know that you care for me still.
I need to know that you understand what I’m going through.
But, it seems not within your will.

Today, yes today, I have heard many things of your creation,
Their voices and sounds. But why do you, the Creator not speak?
I don’t understand. Yes, I do believe, but please God,
Help me, for my faith is oh, so weak! ”

Then, out of my state of frustration it was as if God said to me,
“You silly child, when you heard the wind in the trees,
The whispering of the waves, the children laughing, I was speaking.

When you heard the bees buzzing and little birds chirping, it was I.
Even when you heard your heart beating, I was speaking.

I speak often and in so many ways,
Through so many things, on so many days.
It wasn’t that I was not there, or that I did not care,
But it was you who chose not to hear.”

I contemplated this message for a moment.
It humbled me, it shook me, and it broke me.

I cried out, “O Father, how could I have been so foolish, so deaf?
Please forgive me, for it was I and not you.”

I felt a warm breeze gently touch my face.
I didn’t hear a single sound, but it was enough. I knew God loved me,
He cared, he understood and he had heard my prayer.

Thursday, May 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration
Written when in one of my deep spiritual moods, as I thought of how at times God speaks to us. I hope you enjoy, Loyd
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