St Kabeer's Couplets On Experience: 44 Words In Pen, No Pen In Words Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

St Kabeer's Couplets On Experience: 44 Words In Pen, No Pen In Words

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Ye parrot what scriptures apprised—
What ought to be self-realized,
All words come from ink pot,
Ink pot in words is not,
Whole world in Him abides,
Far yonder still He strides.
Given here under is the original couplet in Hindi along with its transliteration in English Roman.

कहा सिखापना देत हो, समुझि देख मन माहि,
सबै हरफ है द्वात मह, द्वात ना हरफन माहि।

Kahā sikhāpanā deta ho, samujhi dekha mana māhi,
Sabai harapha hai dvāta mah, dvāta nā haraphan māhi.

No one can whisper magic words that weigh within the mind and realized in inner sanctam. Know this basic truth: All words can emanate from a pen (or an inkpot): no pen (inkpot)is within words. The whole phenomenal world abides in God; He still prevails outside the world.

Kabeer was a revolutionary poet saint. He wrote some 800 couplets called dohe in Hindi. They dealt with many aspects of life that he observed during his lifetime, and wherein he challenged the prevailing practices of religions, sects, castes, and human behaviour. His
couplets reflect true vision of spirituality (rather than religion) . Even after centuries, his couplets are read by the seekers from across the globe. Herewith, some couplets are included under the common caption of Experience.
Topic: world, God

Saturday, October 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: god,world
Rose Marie Juan-austin 26 October 2020

A well thought out write woven with a true vision of spirituality. A wisdom that should be kept in the core of our hearts. Beautifully crafted.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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