St Kabeer's Couplets On Experience: 52 Once He Inhabits Thine Heart… Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

St Kabeer's Couplets On Experience: 52 Once He Inhabits Thine Heart…

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You and Him when get to be one,
A matter it is of no words
That be read and written.
Bride and groom from two birds
When get to be just one,
The rest look pale, pointless shepherds.
Given below is the original couplet in Hindi along with its translireation in English Roman.

लिखा लिखि की है नाहि, देखा देखी बात,
दुलहा दुलहिन मिलि गये, फीकी परी बरात ।

Likhā likhi kī hai nāhi, dekhā dekhī bāta,
Dulhā dulhin mili gaye, phīkī parī bārāta.

Emphasizing the same theme, Kabeer says: the matter about God is not that of expression of words, but of seeing and experiencing, feeling in heart. All the people that participate in a marriage will be totally meaningless once the bride and groom have come together and have gotten married. So too, once God resides in one's heart, all knowledge of scriptures seem superfluous.

Topic: marriage, bride, groom, god

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: god,marriage
Kostas Lagos 19 November 2020

Kabir the Great! Thank you for posting!

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Mahtab Bangalee 18 November 2020

so; when God will start to live in the pure kingdom of knowledge- the heart and the container of the heart will feel it highly then all (knowledge of book, wisdom, intuition) shall be meaningless !

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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