Statistics To Keep Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Statistics To Keep

Statistics to keep,
Are no more reliable to collect...
Than the ever changing,
New England weather.
And better if left kept,
Not to follow at all.
Similar to sermons preached,
From a pulpit heard to give.
About those standards to value.
Everyone listening will agree.

When they come to leave,
Much like a quick to forget breeze...
Few will remember,
What it was they sought and thought...
Had been that important to prioritize.

Since what is not witnessed to observe,
As a fact that remains unchanged...
Isn't given the attention that stays maintained.
Everyone exposed will come to know,
Whatever it is rushed to discuss...
May or may not affect those,
Right across the street to know...
They are being talked about to expect it.

Some will be standing in front of churches,
Where they just prayed together...
For themselves better days.
And consistent weather.
To forget what was preached.
Or those statistics to keep.
Left to prefer the serving,
Of their own activities to create them.
With a gossiping nonstop to do.

'As statistics go,
That was one of the better sermons I've heard.'

~It's the first Sunday.
And they had the nerve to wear that to church.~

'God is good though.
Because it was predicted to rain.'

~It's New England.
Everything is subjected to change.~

'I hope so.
They should know better than that.
By now.'

~Who? ~

'The weather people.
No one seems to be paying attention.'

~To what? ~

'How they dress and what to wear.
When and the significance of it.'

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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