Stroke Poem by Vincent James Turner


When the words left you,
when one average morning
they rammed themselves
into large shuttles
of parting dialect
you bore the look
of suprise
like a lion felled.

The slack of your mouth
like an overused elastic band
made movements
of comedy.
The spittle worming
from the split of your lip
like frothy milk
down the side of a mug-
Karmas encore.

You'd refused to move
from your chair
as if to hold the truth
in its physical form
containing it like a raging child
but the dart of your eyes
spoke otherwise.

How unlike you
not to say a word
how fine to see
the flapping fish of your tongue
motioning nothing
but sporadic slaps
of wet muscle-

Useless and defunct.

Rahman Henry 18 November 2015

Brilliantly presented and a profound poem.........

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This poem is great- like so many other ones you have written. Oh how many fronts can one fight a battle (once-within and without at the same time) . Somehow, I think this poem sounds cruel at the end. I Have not been on here in years. You are most talented. Michele

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Fay Slimm 27 October 2009

Intimate observations made on the effect of stroke Vince. and so delicately balanced with well chosen phrases - - 'like a lion felled' is one which says so succinctly just how it can look - - another fine write.....10 + ++ Fay

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Elsa Bennett 27 October 2009

I think this has brilliant use of words, i really enjoyed it. Thankyou.

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