Swallowing That Bitter Pill Poem by Paula Glynn

Swallowing That Bitter Pill

The world is stone: that Cyndi Lauper song playing on the radio
And difficult to swallow that bitter pill
People are strange when you're a stranger
People are people through good and bad times
People can be nasty when necessary: when they please.

It is with bitter and distant memories
It is with lack of conviction and optimism
It is with negativity and doubt
That I swallow this bitter pill
Tasting its sourness like old lemonade.

When everything has gone wrong
When I am no longer strong
When I give up the fight
My adrenalin no longer through the roof
My decision now to always tell the truth.

For some life full of endless bitter memories
Life having been cruel rather than kind
Those people with no vision: those people blind
And they will learn too late their misconceptions
They will become wise far too late into old age.

The inner dream of grace and happiness
Dreams that threaten others peace of mind
Those stars in the sky at night shining bright
With supposed impossible dreams
And dreams of a gorgeous white gown for her wedding dress.

Hoping for the man she's marrying will truly commit
And not have him question his loyalty: to love omit
For years and years having a perfect and happy match
Even through life's endless ups and downs
Praying to never experience betrayal: that bitter pill.

And others she yearns to impress
With her intelligence and vast imagination
Life her magical and mystical creation
Strangers jealous of this brand of freedom
She swallowing that nasty old bitter pill with wisdom.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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